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Title: The Mysterious Wand

Written By: Sarah

Chapter One: A walk through the park

Rini was walking through the park. This was a shortcut to get to her school. It was the first time EVER that she was going to a public school! She had always attended at the palace with tutors.

It was really early in the morning, Rini wanted to get there early. She didn't want to be late for school. She was so excited! She would be able to meet kids her age and make some friends!

Since it was so early in the morning, there were no people there except Rini, of course. Half way through the park, she found an old woman feeding some pigeons. Rini tried not to stare, but she kind of couldn't help it. The woman looked strange and sort of familiar.

The woman looked up at Rini. Rini smiled, but the old woman did not. Rini kept on walking and the woman kept on feeding the birds. Rini couldn't get the terrible thoughts out of her head!

"What if that woman was form the Negaverce?" Rini asked herself.

She began to get really scared.

"Right when I come home," she told herself, "I'm going to tell Mommy about this!"

Rini was thankful that there wasn't too much ground to walk to school from where that old woman was.

Chapter Two: The Wand

She had a wonderful school day and made many friends. When she walked back through the park, she passed the bench where the old woman sat, feeding the pigeons. In her place, where the woman was sitting, was a awfully strange looking wand.

Rini was afraid to touch it. The handle on it was all black and on the top of the handle sat a gray star. Around the gray star was a pea-green colored loop. It defiantly looked like something from the Negaverce! Rini found the nerve to pick it up. She unzipped her backpack and placed the wand and carefully wrapped the extra sweater she brought with her.

She ran home to show Serena. When she reached her street, she began to slow down and finally she just began to walk. She went into her house.

"Mommy?" She called. "You home, Mom?"

"Oh, Rini, you're five minutes early, I guess you didn't have detention, did you?"

Rini laughed. "Of course not, Mom, Mrs. Latchner was so nice!"

"Oh, I have something I have to show you that I found at the park today."

Rini unzipped her bag and rolled out her sweater and picked up the wand.

"Rini, you found this in the park? It looks like something from the Negaforce!"

"Yeah, I thought so, too, so I ran home to show it to you."

"It's a good thing you did," Serena said. "I'm going to call a Sailor Scout meeting right away!"

Serena phoned Amy first, so she could maybe use her Sailor Mercury computer thing to figure out what it was.

Chapter Three: "I knew it was the Negaverse!"

"Yes, it's defiantly something from the Negaverce," Sailor Mercury said as she closed up her computer.

"I knew it was the Negaverce!" Rini said.

"Well, what do we do with it know?" Sailor Jupiter asked.

"We should keep it in a safe place," Sailor Mercury answered. "Like in a cabinet or pantry."

"OK, I can put it under our sink," Sailor Moon explained.

She did so.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to see what happens," Sailor Venus said.

"But the problem is, what if something transforms out of it and attacks us?" Sailor Jupiter explained. "And we're not ready? That would be a problem."

"Yes," Sailor Mercury said, "But we can always transform as soon as we see it and Serena can always call us!"

"We'll just have to see what happens. We're not sure what it is and we're not sure what will happen, so we'll just have to wait," Sailor Venus said.

They all transformed into people again.