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Fizzy Sites *^-^*

The sodapop kiss ringie is the collection of only the most cutey patoot yummy sites, and that are lucky enough to be in it!

Neko Neko Cherry fizz
Cute cherry moon kitty page with lil red soda*pop bubbles for the background =9 definately a site to be in the fizz ring ^-^ Maddie is the sweetest of the sweet =) Her e-mails even remind me of Cherries!

Blue Angel Samui's Sailormoon Image Gallery
Yummy manga images! that are just *tangeriney* hehe ^_^

Luna's Kitty Kingdom
My pagie! actually, your prolly wondering *why* im orange =P Lunas kitty kingdom used to be **all orange** but you can still get orange in the kitty fun section.

Shampoo My Hair 1/2!
My real*life sisters page, couldent resist! Used to be "Unserious DBZ and SM" Now its A site dedicated to the one an only Ranma 1/2's Shampoo! whoo hoo!!!

Limeade Moon Kitties
eek! Clarissa-Chan ^_^; Im SO sorry for not putting you in here sooner =) anyhoo, Clarissa has many pages that are oh-so-cute! and just like the rest of them, i coulnt resist this moon kitty page! She made it all limey and perdy just for the ring *aww!* Take a peek!

Luna and Artemis's Kingdom
Bunny chan's yummy Blueberry Sailor Moon! *very* cute with bloo yum yum images (i just luv it!) Bunny-Chan works so hard on her pages to make them *kawaii* (belive me!!) She works harder than anybody, and put a TON of time and effort into her blooooberry page =9

Luna and Diana's Sailor Moon page
Very very bloo raspberry, always makes my mouth water :p adorable lay-out, Toona is so funny! her energy, her jokes! aww Toona, i LUV ya!! Its SO cool the way we met, we had both been to each others pages, and then were chatting at "the palace" and im like : you have a webpage? lemme have the addy! and she gives me her webpage, and were like "OMG! i know you!!" and just took off from there, also one of my siser sites, A must see page :)

Bubble Lum's grape soda
Insane maddness! Bubble Lummys gotta be the funnest person to hang around with on earth. Just the LITTLEST thing can make her so hyper and happy! *lol* i love it when she gets all hyper! its just too much fun. Take a peek at her page and youll see ^.^

Shampoo Cats Cafe
Finally! An extra kawaii site to finnish the ring :) Shampoo's sites are the best Ranma sites ever, so is shampoo! I was so thrilled to add her site in. If you like Ranma 1/2 I highly recomend this site, you wont find one near as good even if ya looked your whole life =P

ChibiMoons Yummilicious*Sweet Tooth
Chibi's sweet tooth, *cute* very yummy, hehe! where else would it be, but in the fizzy ring? hehe!

Luna*c! Kitty fizz =) a must see cute pagie ^-^ Kimi*kat is the sweetest person evah, and it shows through her sites :)

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