From Dreams To RealityAs the moonlight shone over head, the to lovers danced to the music only they could hear. How life was pefect for them at that one moment in their lives. If only they could stay like this forever. "I want you to remember that i love you with all my heart Ferio. I will return to you one day, I swear it." whispered Fuu. "I love you you more than anything. You are the reason why I live. I will find a way to you." Ferio whispered back. As the two lovers were about to kiss, they were awakened, not knowing how the dream would have ended if they weren't interupted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Guru Clef, please, is there any way I can go to the other world, i need to see Fuu again. I love her." stated Ferio. "I'm working on a spell now that might enable you to do that. Be a little while longer Ferio, then you'll be able to see her again, i'm sure she'll be very surprised to see you again." said Clef. "Is there anyway i can see her?" pleaded Ferio. "Well, you could use the mirror to see what she's doing right now, only she wouldn't be able to see you." "That would be wonderful!!" "Well, follow me and i'll give it to you." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey, Fuu! Show us your new ice skating moves!" pleaded Hikaru. "Yeah Fuu, i'm dieing to see it. After you won the school championship, I've been amazed by your skill! Do it for us,pppppplllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee!!!" whined Umi. The three girls were at the ice skating rink where Fuu practices(AN:she taught herself, OK?). "Very well, for you guys...(whispers to herself)and Ferio." said Fuu. "Miss Hikaru, chould you put in this cd." Fuu handed the cd with the new BSB song 'Shape Of My Heart' (AN: I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ferio watched as the girls were talking in the rink. 'I didn't know Fuu could skate' he thought. As the song started he felt that every move what perfect and wonderful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fuu was one with the ice. She could almost become one with it, but she felt like she was being watched by someone very close to her, like Ferio. 'If only...'
From Dreams to Reality
Ferio watched as Fuu slept, wishing that he could be with her. At that moment, Fuu's alarm went off, waking her from her sleep. He watched as she went into the bathroom and came out ready to go somewhere. "Where does she think she's going?" Ferio wondered out loud. Fuu slowly opened the window and crept outside, out into the night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Fuu climbed down the wall she got the feeling that she was being watched again. She ignored it as she ran down the street toward the ice pond(AN: at night she goes to a pond that froze over, K?) She stops at the pond's edge, her breath making tiny white clouds in the air. She felt eyes on her, and she braced herself for an attack, when all of a sudden, she felt a pull and everything went black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ferio watched in awe as shse disapeared from sight. He snapped. "Guru Clef!" he screamed. Clef ran into the room with a look of utter astonishment on his face. "Were's Fuu??" Ferio screamed. "Is that all? Well I can easily answer that...she's here, I was able to pull her from the other world..."he tailed off, realizing that Ferio was no longer in the room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Did I 'accidentally' leave you all at a cliffhanger??
^_^ hehehehehe
next chapter will be out soon as i get more
fanmail! thanx!