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Fuu Hououji

Name:Hououji Fuu
Asrological sign:Saggitarius
Grade(first season):8th
Blood type:A+
Favorite food:Tessa(sliced raw blowfish)
Least favorite food:Bad-tasting food
Favorite class:Math
Least Favorite Class:Art
Extracurriculars:Archery team
Specialties:Computer programming
Favorite color:Green
Carrer Hopes:Computer systems engineer
Family:Mother,Father, and older sister (Kuu)
Magic Element:Wind(healing and defense based magic,
but she has some attacks)

She's always smiling and she's very polite. She's a good strategist and the smartest Magic Knight. She's in love with Ferio, Cephiro's prince (They look so cute together ^^!). She's always there for her friends and can think clearly when there's problems.