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I wrote these poems when I was in High School. I hope you enjoy them.
If you feel the need to use any of them, please ask first. Thanks!

I Love You
I Love Your Way
Of Loving Me
A Special Love
A Sweet Love
A Kind Love
A Tender Love
A Touch, A Kiss, A Smile
Makes This Special Love
Seem All Worthwhile

Love Me
The Way
That I Love You
And Let Me Know
Your Love Is True

Meeting You
Was Like Walking From A Dark Cloud
Into A Burst of Sunshine

My Dreams
Turned Into Realities
My Prayers
Were All Answered
My Life
Became Yours
My Heart
I Gave To You
My Love
Is Yours
Keep It Long
And Be Tender
For I
Am A Gentle Person

My Love Is Like Fragile China
Be Gentle And It Will Last A Lifetime
Keep It Clean And It Will Shine
But Not Taken Care Of
And The Shine Will Dull
It Will Chip And Crack
And Soon Fall Apart
And All That Will Be Left Are Pieces
Of What
Use To Be

I Want To Hold You
Close In My Arms
And Love You
I Want To Do All I Can
Within My Power
To Satisfy You
I Want You To Know
You Never Have To worry
About Hurt....Or Pain
I Would Never Do That To You
Not Now...
I Have Tested The Strength
Of My Feelings
With The Weight Of My Heart
And They Stood Strong
Under Pressure
I Want You To Stay
Forever In My Life
And Love Me...
Let Me Love You

As The Ocean Waves Crash To The Shore
My Love For You Grows Even More
With The Beauty Of The Golden Sand
Let's Walk In Love, Hand In Hand
The Grace Of The Birds, The Freedom They Know
The Softness Of Love Will Never Let Go

I Did Not Write This One, But It Touches My Heart Every Time I Read It.....

Little Boy Blue

The Little Toy Dog Is covered with Rust
But Sturdy And Staunch He Stands
And The Little Toy Soldier Is Red With Rust
And His Musket Molds In His Hands
Time Was When The Little Toy Dog Was new
And The Soldier Was Passing Fair
And That Was The Time When Our Little Boy Blue
Kissed Them And Put Them There

"Now Don't You Go Till I Come" He Said
"And Don't You Make Any Noise"
So Toddling Off To His Trundle Bed
He Dreamt Of His Pretty Toys
And As He Was Dreaming, An Angel Song
Awakened Our Little Boy Blue
Oh! The Years Are Many, The Years Are Long
But The Little Toy Friends Are True

Aye, Faithful To The Little Boy Blue They Stand
Each In The Same Old Place
Awaiting The Touch Of A Little Hand
The Smile Of A Little Face
And They Wonder As Waiting The Long Years Through
In The Dust Of That Little chair
What Has Become Of Our Little Boy Blue
Since He Kissed Them And Put Them There...

The Following Poems Were Written By One Of My favorite Poets, Rod Mckuen.

I hope you enjoy them also.

There Is No Wrong Side
Or Right Side

No Misery In Being Loved
Only In Not Loving
I Learned These Truths Myself
To Tell Them To You Now
As You Go Sailing Through The Sun
On Your Way Toward Life

I Believe That Crawling Into You
Is Going Back Into Myself
That By The Act Of
Joining Hands With You

I Become More Of Me

There Are No Whiskey Bars
For Dancers Like Ourselves
And So We Move Into Each Other
Like Drunkards Into Open Doorways

My Need For you Is Near Addiction

No Sailor ever Had Tatoos
Growing On His Forearm
The Way Your Smile
Has Willed Itself Back Behind My Eyes

It Will Not Dissolve
It Will Not Divide
For I Am Nothing If Not You

Bend Down And Touch Me With Your Eyes
Make every Morning Hold A New Surprise
Then when I Stumble From My Sleep
Yours Is The first Face That I See

And As I Amble Through The Day
Be There To Guide Me All Along My Way
If I Should Falter And Fall
Your Shoulders Near Enough To Touch

Follow Me From Darkness Into Light
Then We'll Go Back Again
Through Every Midnight

Bend Down And Touch Me With Your Eyes
Let Every Evening Hold A New Surprise
So When I Tumble Into Sleep
Yours Is The Last Face That I'll See

I Grasp
A Handful
Of Good Ground
In Doing So
I Touch The Heel
And The Toe Of God
The Arteries Of Angels
Best Of All
By Coming Closer
To The Earth
I See Myself
The Way I Should Be

I'd Rather Live
And Go On Living
By Pulling Deep
Into My Lungs
The Air You Breathe
Than Depend On Wind
From Open Windows

No Window Opens
On A Better World
Than What We Have
Within Each Others Arms

I've Saved The Summer
And I Give It All To You
To Hold On Winter Mornings
When The Snow Is New

I've Saved The Sunlight
If You Should Ever Need
A Place Away From Darkness
Where Your Mind Can Feed

And For Myself I've Kept Your Smile
When You Were But Nineteen
Till You're Older, You'll Not Know
What Brave Young Smiles Can Mean

I Know No Answers
To Help You On Your ways
The Answers Will Be Somewhere
At The Bottom Of The day

But If You've A Need For Love
I'll give you all I own
It Might Help You Down The Road
To A Life Of Your Very Own

Each Of Us Was Made By God
And Some Of Us Grew Tall
Others Stood Out In The Wind
Their Branches Bent And Fell
Those Of Us Who Walk In The Light
Must Help The Ones In Darkness Up
For That's what Life Is All About
And Love Ia All There Is To Life

Each Of Us Was Made By God
Beautiful In His Minds Eye
Those Of Us That Turned Out Sound
Should Look Across Our Shoulders Once
And Help The Weak Ones To Their Fettt
It Only Takes
An Outstretched Hand

The following are just some more favorites
Some I know who wrote them, and some I have no idea.
Enjoy *S*

Without You

Sometimes I Am Afraid
That You Might Go Away
Leaving Me With Only Your Memory
Never To See Your Face Or Hear Your Voice Again

Sometimes I Am Afraid
That Our Someday Will Never Come
That You Will Be Taken Away, And My Dreams Will Die
And I Will Live Only Wanting To Touch You

Sometimes I Am Afraid
That My Star Will Fade Into The Sky And Never Return
And That When I Look Up To See It Shine
Darkness Will Be My Only Vision

Sometimes I Am Afraid

Because Life Wouldn't Be The Same Without You In It...

Alberta Luciano

Concentrate On Happy Things
To Keep Your Spirits High
Think Of Things Like Tulips
Throwing Kisses To The Sky
Think Of Cuddly Kittens
Children Dancing In The Halls
And Butterflies Aflutter
Over Waking Daffodils

Chris Fitzgerald

Why Do I Love You

I Love You
Not Only For What You Are
But For What I Am
When I'm With You

I Love You
Not Only For What
You Have Made Of Yourself
But For What You Are Making Of Me

I Love You
For Ignoring The Possibilities
Of The Fool In Me
And For Laying Firm Hold
On The Possibilities For Good

Why Do I Love You ?

I Love You
For Closing Your Eyes
To The Discords
And For adding To The Music In Me
By Worshipful Listening

I Love You
Because You Are helping To Make
Of The Lumber Of My Life
Not A Tavern, But A Temple
And Out Of The Words
Of My everyday
Not A Reproach
But A Song

I Love You
Because You Have Done
More Than Any Creed
To Make Me Happy

You Have Done It
Without A Word
Without A Touch
Without A Sign
You Have Done It
Just By Being Yourself

After All, Perhaps
That Is what
Love Means