DNA / Embryonic Manipulation in Ancient Times? - Page 1 of 3


True Chimeras? (fusing the embryos of two different species)

I read somewhere that the reason for the manipulation of human DNA as noted in Genesis was that the devil was trying to pollute mankind's DNA in such a way that Christ could never have been born. The article also said that's why God had to destroy all but Noah and the few members of his family. They were the only ones left on this earth whose DNA had not been polluted. Sounds reasonable to me.
Here's what God said about Noah in Genesis 6:9:

Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations.

Futher explanation is found at https://www.angelfire.com/nv/TheOliveBranch/append26.html#

The Heb. word tamim means without blemish, and is the technical word for bodily and physical perfection, and not moral. Hence it is used of animals of sacrificial purity. It is rendered without blemish in Ex. 12:5; 29:1. Lev. 1:3, 10; 3:1, 6; 4:3, 23, 28, 32; 5:15, 18; 6:6; 9:2, 3; 14:10; 22:19; 23:12, 18. Num. 6:14; 28:19, 31; 29:2, 8, 13, 20, 23, 29, 32, 36. Ezek. 43:22, 23, 25; 45:18, 23; 46:4, 6, 13. Without Spot. Num. 19:2; 28:3, 9, 11; 29:17, 26. Undefiled. Ps. 119:1.

This shows that Gen. 6:9 does not speak of [just] Noah's moral perfection, but [also] tells us that he and his family alone had preserved their pedigree and kept it pure, in spite of the prevailing corruption brought about by the fallen angels.

Were these truly creatures of myth,
or are they representatives of demonic manipulation of genetics and embryos in ancient times?

Horus - He Who Is Above
Egyptian Falcon Headed God

The only mortal Gorgon
had Snakes for hair

Centaur and Eros

"A Mermaid"
by Andrew Loomis






A True Chimera is any hybrid animal which is created by fusing the embryos of two different species that are incapable of mating and reproducing in the wild. The cells of these two separate species develop side by side to form a single animal.

Perhaps the most famous example of a True Chimera is the rhesus monkey born in an Wisconsin lab in 2001, with the gene of a jellyfish as part of its DNA. While the scientists who worked on this project emphasized that they were in noway attempting to create a "mer-monkey" or any sort of primate-like, aquatic invertebrate, this simian, which was dubbed "ANDi" - a reverse acronym for "inserted DNA" - by its creators, represents the first step into a brave new world of genetic engineering. Like most hybrids, however, True Chimeras will be unable to breed.

It seems now that it is only a matter of time before modern science will be able to create a multitude of True Chimeras, involving the nuclear DNA of two individual species coming together in s stable (if synthetic) arrangement so that cell division can occur through doubling of chromosomes and division, with each cell receiving more or less equal complements of its unique parent's DNA.

Perhaps the favorite pet of the 21st century will be a combination of the Kola bear and the domesticated feline... or maybe aquariums will be filled with genuine "sea-monkeys". There is a good chance that animals which were once relegated to the printed page may well be roaming free in the wildlife preserves of the future. It would seem - from this vantage point anyway - that the only limit that we will face is our imaginations... and our fears.

(Oops. I forgot to record the link for this article.)


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