Sucker Punch ... Big Hero Vernon </not>

Eat Sh!t & Die, Vernon.

I'll bet you'll never sucker punch Victor Easley again.
Not after he sent you sailing through the air when you tried it that time.

I'll bet you sure was surprised when you ended up in that ditch.

I also bet next time you'll find out first who you start messin' with.
You picked the wrong person when you picked Victor.
You thought he was an easy mark.
He's not crippled up with rheumatoid arthritis like Vincent is.
Victor has awards for bench presses. He is

Another thing you didn't take into consideration ..
You accused Victor and his brother of being "Yankees".

They are probably more "Arkie" than you are
and a whole lot meaner when they need to be.

Their family moved to Arkansas in 1850.
They are 6th generation Easleys in this state.

What say you to THAT?


A hundred years ago, an Englishman visiting Wyoming was attempting to find the owner of a huge cattle ranch. He rode up to one of the ranch hands, and inquired,

"Pardon me, but could you perhaps tell me where I might locate your master?"

To which the cowboy, who happened to be an Easley from Arkansas, replied,

"That sumbitch ain't been born yet".

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