Victor Dwayne Easley - my baby

The meaning of his name Victor is: Winner, Conqueror - Strong, manly, sympathetic.

They left one adjective out ... LOVING!

Victor is my baby and my 6th child. He's all grown up now, but he's STILL my baby!

When he was a toddler, he would get so mad at me when I called him my baby. He'd YELL at me ... "I'm no baby". I think his objections were so strong because Vincent was only 11 months older than Victor, but he was allowed to do things Victor wasn't. Bud wasn't fair about that. It always made me mad, too.

Anyway, I told him last summer I bet that now he understands how I feel about his still being my "baby". His own baby, Hannah, is growing up. He'll always feel she is his baby, too. She's DADDY'S GIRL. That's for sure.

Victor is one of the best daddies in the world!

It was so sweet. Hannah told me that her daddy is her BEST FRIEND. She also told me how she loves him so much and loves to just TALK with him. Not too many daddies can brag about that.

Victor was named by his dad.

During the Korean War, Bud's first wife had a son. Bud wanted to name him Victor Dwayne Easley, but it didn't happen. So when we had our second son and Bud still wanted to name a son of his by the name of "Victor Dwayne Easley", I figured since he'd waited so long to have a son by that name, he should have one.

I didn't like the name "Victor" at first, because we'd had a boy in my childhood neighborhood by that name. I didn't like him. However, now I am glad Victor has that name; because there aren't any other Victors nowadays that I know of. His name seems to be one of a kind - just like Victor himself is one of a kind!


My normal labor pains were two hours. Gravette, where Dr Hall practiced, was two hours away. I kept having "false" labor pains. Since I was only 8 months pregnant, I didn't know what to think. I had a record of preemies (Kerrie Lynn was a 7-month baby). I called Dr Hall and told him that by the time I could figure out if they were the real thing, I'd be having my baby on the highway. He told me to come on in, and he would check me out. When he did, he told me I definitely was in labor but that he didn't have time to deliver a baby just then. He asked if it would be all right if he induced the next morning. I saw no problem with it.

Jerry & Jeanie were there. So was Bud. The nurse came in and stuck the needle in with the stuff that induces labor. We were all laughing and joking. The nurse told me to let her know when the pains started. I told her they started as soon as she started the medicine. She said, "well, let me know how far apart they are". I told her that there were no intervals, that it was one continuous pain. She went and got Dr. Hall.

He checked me out. He asked the nurse if the delivery room was ready. She told him no, that they were getting ready to clean it in a few minutes. That's the only time I ever saw a doctor go into "panic". He told her ... "You get that room ready right now. And I'm not kidding either. And I'm not kidding either!" I thought it was funny.

That night, they gave me two seconal to put me to sleep. Sleeping pills, even strong ones like that, seldom worked on me; so I was lying there wide awake. I heard one of the nurses down the hall ask how Mrs Easley was. Another nurse told her that I was asleep and then said ... "HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANYTHING SO FAST IN YOUR LIFE? !!"

From the time the needle went in until Victor was born, only 45 minutes had elapsed. He was my Quickie Baby.


Bud got "fixed" while I was still in the hospital (I was in there only a day and a half). When we got home, it was BUD who was hurting and could hardly move. You woulda thought it was HIM who had the baby, not me.

The following is a snippet from a post Victor made online:

I named my daughter, Hannah, after my great grandfather's sister. It means "prayer, gracious" in Hebrew and "flower" in Japanese. I think a name is extremely important.

My screen name [EZ Victory] is for my name: Victor Easley.

I have a 150 lb St. Bernard named Caleb. I read once that it actually means "dog". Cool. I've always admired the name, though, in honor of Joshua and Caleb


& his Best Friend, CALEB

I told Victor they look alike.
Victor said that's a compliment.




Gracious Flower of God


I still think of Hannah as a little bitty girl, but I must accept the fact that she is now FIFTEEN YEARS OLD. Our baby is growing up!

Doesn't she have the most beautiful eyebrows you ever saw?! And look at those eyes. They are a combination of her daddy's eyes and LATIN eyes. Ooh La La ... What a girl! She is as beautiful as her mother, with a smile that is out of this world.

Hannah's mother is named Mirsa Nineth Sosa, so she is also named after her Guatemalan mother ... Hannah
Nineth Easley.

Hannah also means: Grace of God

I am glad her two names reflect her two ethnic heritages, as well as her love of God.

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* Index - Judy's Family History
* Index - Judy's History, Comments, etc.
* Index - Judy's Christ-Centered Pages
