Index - Judy's Christ-Centered Pages

Is there enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian?

I know. Stuff like this is usually boring. But I am leaving these thoughts anyway as part of my legacy to you, my children and grandchildren down through the generations. I hope you'll at least glance through them and that the Holy Spirit will let your eyes stop on words you need to see. Don't be like me. My grandmother would send me "preachy" letters. I'd throw them in the trash unopened.

I feel so guilty about that - I'm so sorry, Mama. You loved me enough to go to all that trouble and yet I showed nothing but disrespect and contempt for your efforts. I hope MY children and grandchildren don't feel that same way about me. But your efforts weren't in vain. It's because of your teachings, Mama, that I've loved Jesus so much all of my life. Thank you for all you did. You raised me in the Lord. I tried to do the same for my own children.

  • In the Beginning was the Word
  • Bible Prophecy
  • The power of the Spoken Word - be careful
  • The United States in Prophecy
  • Jesus (forum comments)
  • Beware the Beast
  • Did God Create Evil?
  • Signs of the Last Days / The Wrath of Revelation
  • Let Go and Let God
  • Wisdom -vs- Knowledge
  • Trick of the Devil: Ye Shall Be As Gods

  • Embryology (scroll down for the article) Haeckel’s drawing of embryos at three different stages that was used in our 1955 Biology class to "prove" evolution has now been proven to be ABSOLUTELY INACCURATE. (Copy of illustration reproduced)

The death of Christ was more than symbolism. Somehow "supernatural" factors came into play. When he died, there was tremendous energy released - because he was GOD. Was it that burst of extraordinary energy that was required to conquer death and give all who will take it ETERNAL LIFE? I'm not wording this very good. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say.   I understand the Covering of the Blood part. His blood covers us and hides all our sins come Judgement Day. Its precursor is in the Old Testament when the Israelites put sacrificial blood from a lamb over their outside doors so that the Angel of Death would pass over their house.


Your Personal Salvation
It's yours for the asking


Will you go to Heaven when you die?

If not, please accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

Choose you this day whom you will serve.
Joshua 24:15

If you confess me, Yahshua, before men, I will confess you before Yah, the Father.
Matthew 10:32

Our Father in Heaven:


* Main Index / Introduction
* Index - Judy's Family History
* Index - Judy's History, Comments, etc.
* Index - Judy's Christ-Centered Pages
