Stories from My Life

Boy, do I ever remember that dust bowl! On the school ground, we'd watch it. On the low horizon, there would be a dark line. Then it would get bigger and bigger, like dark storm clouds moving in. By the time it got to us, the dirt was blowing so hard that it HURT when it would hit us. We always had to go inside the school when the dust storms came. It was really bad.
All their worldly goods,
including the mattress on top,
even the family dog.


where many ended up in towns like Bell Gardens aka OkieVille.

ECTV/Breaking News: "Siegfried Schubert, a meteorologist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., wrote in a study that slight changes in the surface temperatures of two oceans created atmospheric conditions that caused the Dust Bowl from 1931 to 1939. In the 1930s, tropical Pacific Ocean temperatures were cooler than normal and tropical Atlantic Ocean temperatures were warmer than normal, producing a weakened low level jet stream that sent it farther south, Schubert said."


But the Okie Dust Storms were nothing compared to THIS!

Look at that sand boiling in to inundate that base.

How in the world could they BREATHE!

Our poor military personnel. The horrors they are subjected to in that country ... Man AND Nature!


People today just DO NOT realize how horrible polio is. Everybody was scared to death come "polio season" (summertime). Some people wouldn't even go to public swimming pools. I was very fortunate that I had a "mild" case of it when I was little. It didn't paralyze my legs on a permanent basis or bind up my lungs that would have put me INTO a lung machine. The disease is starting to make a come-back in third world countries. If they start giving immunizations again in this country, MAKE SURE you get it. When I had polio as a very young child, I can remember the pain of it. Felt it in my left groin area. Couldn't walk. Had to be carried everywhere. I laugh when I think back, because I didn't like it when I got okay. I didn't get to be carried around everywhere anymore. haha

Up to the minute Iran news from around the world, including within Iran -

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do was make paper dolls.

When my children were little children, one of my favorite things to do was make paper dolls with them.


I was born in 1938. My rememberances of presidents go all the way back to Roosevelt - Franklyn, that is. As a little girl, I WORSHIPPED him, along with the rest of the nation. I used to try to figure out names for when I grew up and had a baby, so that I could name a child after him. I was always sad that I didn't. then about 15 years ago ... duhhh ... it dawned on me that I ~DID~ name my first child after him. Frank-LYN ... Kerrie LYNN. It was in my subconscious that took me years to realize. Here again, is another case of somebody who destroyed my illusions. When I found out what he really did, behind the scenes, once again, I was CRUSHED.

At least I still have a couple of childhood heroes who have never been diminished ... MacArthur was one of them. If MacArthur could have had his way, this world would be a much better place. But the devil had to get him out of the way for the End Times to keep on course. He was a brilliant military man, a good Christian, and knew what he was doing. MacArthur loved his troops. And he loved America. He DIDN'T like those he thought were in the wrong and against our interests. His only object was to beat the enemy and keep America safe. Politics be damned!

The following event happened before I was born. The blame, however, lies with Hoover. MacArthur was doing his duty as ORDERED.
And that just might be the reason why he defied Truman like he did - because he didn't like doing what he had done before under ORDERS.

Bonus Marchers, in U.S. history, more than 20,000 veterans, most of them unemployed and in desperate financial straits, who, in the spring of 1932, spontaneously made their way to Washington, D.C. They demanded passage of a bill introduced by Representative Wright Patman providing for immediate payment of their World War I bonus. Calling themselves the Bonus Expeditionary Force, they camped in vacant government buildings and in open fields made available by police superintendent Pelham D. Glassford. The veterans conducted themselves in a peaceful and orderly way, but when the Senate defeated the Patman bill (June 17, 1932) the marchers refused to return home. On July 28, President Herbert Hoover ordered the army, under the command of Douglas MacArthur, to evict them forcibly. MacArthur had their camps set on fire, and the army drove the veterans from the city. Hoover was much criticized by the press and the general public for the severity of his response.

Hopalong Cassidy was the greatest thing on horseback. I always loved his beautiful white hair. My Aunt Mickey McCoin was married to his nephew or something. I was proud of that.


Johnny Weismuller was the NICEST man. So gentle. And HUGE. I had to crane my neck back to look up into his face, and I am 5'6". Tarzan was my most favorite hero and still is. When I met him that day, I couldn't help it - tears started running down my face. I couldn't believe I was standing there in his house talking to him in person. That was one of the highlights of my life. Johnny Weismuller was the ONLY "real" Tarzan in my book. The others couldn't come close to him. They just don't make 'em like that man any more.

Do you know what's purple and flies through the trees?

I hated
Harry Truman even more than Bill Clinton. I have never forgiven him for pulling MacArthur out of the Asian Campaign that resulted in handing China over to the communists. I have always ABHORED John Kennedy. It is he who brought about all of this division between the blacks and the whites. (Don't feel like going into the details right now though) At the time, I thought I was the only person in the United States who was not sorry he was dead. Now people are coming out of the woodwork and saying they didn't mourn him. But I guess they were like me; we had to keep our mouths shut or we would have been lambasted! The other politician that falls under this category is Bill Clinton. There is no coincidence here. John Kennedy was HIS hero, and he tried to emulate everything the other man did - including having all that sex stuff going on in the White House. Both men were PUKES! At least Harry Truman kept it in his pants!

I remember the day Pearl Harbor was bombed. Everybody was in terror! I thought it was around New York City, wherever that was. I wasn't too swift on geography in those days. Well, I was only 3 years old. I joke, but now I realize how amazing it was that a three-year-old child would be so aware of what was happening in the world. Every time I heard a plane go over, I'd PANIC. I was so afraid those "Dirty Japs" would come and bomb my house, too. I loved "Our Boys" so much, because I knew THEY were the ones keeping me safe. I cry to this day when I think about our young people going to war and the sacrificies they make. If any vets are reading this, THANK YOU. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. THANK YOU FOR PROTECTING AMERICA FROM ITS ENEMIES, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. THANK YOU FOR MAKING ALL LITTLE CHILDREN FEEL SAFE. GOOD JOB!

"World War II ended in Europe on May 7, 1945, when German emissaries entered a schoolhouse in Reims, France, where General Dwight Eisenhower had his headquarters, and signed an unconditional surrender."
Boy, do I remember that day, too! Everybody was so happy. It was wonderful. And the parades. Wonderful parades of OUR BOYS when they returned home. I was 8 years old.


The first "biker" I ever knew, I met when I was 16 years old. It was George Robinson on his old Indian. Too bad John or Paul don't still have that bike. It's now a valuable collector's item. George used to get it going real fast down Section Line Road where he lived in Garden City. Then he would stand up on the seat with his arms outstretched. He was a daredevil with NO FEAR! One of the things he always wanted to do was be one of those motorcycle stunt guys at the fairs and carnivals. Poor thing. He never got to do it. He was too busy making money so he could get bit by a mosquito and die.

When I first went to Vegas, I worked in the bars for 3 years. One place I worked (rock and roll joint), some bikers went in there. I was really pretty in those days. The bikers liked me and used to tell me they were going to kidnap me and take me to California to pardu. They weren't kidding either. Scared me (not that I thought they'd HURT me - just party). I told them that I really couldn't afford to do that, because I had my 5 kids to support. They left me alone. Thank God! But I used to tell them I was going to get one of those little bikes and ride right in the middle of them and their big ole Harleys. The telling isn't funny now maybe, but it was then. That was part of my self-defense against them: humor.

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* Index - Judy's Family History
* Index - Judy's History, Comments, etc.
* Index - Judy's Christ-Centered Pages