Missing New Country Projects

Sadly, not all New Country Projects last, not even their websites.
Below is a list of the projects, with their original descriptions, formerly listed under "New Country Projects" with their URL's listed. Perhaps you can read their former content at Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine".
Thanks to Peter Sidor of the "A New Land" wiki for his help.
If you know of the present state of any of these groups, please contact me. Thanks!

Latest update: 29 January 2011

Adriatican Flag
Admirality of ADRIATICA

"Adriatica is a seafaring state that seeks to advance the cultural, social, economic, political well-being and independence of its citizens by all honorable means. Thus, the central idea that drives our supporters is the redemption of our independence as a nation.
"We envision a free and prosperous sovereign seafaring nation founded on commerce, free association, fair trade, sound money, equal justice before the law and secure borders. A bold, self-confident civilization."
- from an e-mail by State Advisor Livio De Carli

NOTE: As of 3 January 2005, this URL opens to the Imperium Romanorum website.

Principality of ALAMEIGH
Refounded as a Model Country, then folded in 2001.


In the past, this projected was romoting itself as "The Free-Market Haven for Non-believers". As of 11 May 2008, the website appears to have no present activity.

Flag of the Royal Isle of Aquaria
Royal Isle of AQUARIA

The organizers of this site have shut down this project, and are now involved the Greenia Project.

Atlantica Flag
Imperial Republic of ATLANTICA

"We...are a new country project in Antarctica trying to build a new society from the ground up. Our government is a Direct democracy with an Imperial Chancellor elected by the citizens of our glorious nation." - from an e-mail
NOTE: Website inactive as of 19 July 2002.


This website is a collection of articles and essays on alternative government concepts and how they can be established and carried into fruition. According to Libertocracy's Director, Gregory Flanagan:
"A polycentric free enterprise government and socio-economic system whereby sovereign individuals join together by mutual consent in a civilization that respects and defends the freedom, dignity and rights or all human beings equally.
"In Libercratic society people live by the rule of sovereign individual freedom, where a person is free to do anything that one chooses as long as its not imposed on others and doesn't infringe upon the equal right of other individuals to the same freedom."

Website inactive as of 19 October 2005.

Location of the proposed new country. NEW COUNTRY FOUNDATION

This group mentioned plans to establish a libertarian country in a secluded African valley. Sadly, the website hadn't been updated since 1997! According to Gregory Flanagan of Libertocracy, this group is no longer in operation. The website is unavailable as of 30 December 2000.


"The R.P.D. is an ongoing movement for oppressed people throughout the world. We strive to create an independent island country in the Pacific.
"As this is a true democratic republic, there is no need for an all-powerful president. Everyone has equal authority. We hesitate to use the word 'government,' because of the abuse of that word by some countries. 'Government' in the R.P.D. does not refer to a large bureaucracy; it refers to a government 'by the people, of the people, and for the people.'"
- from the website

Website inactive as of 19 July 2002.

Pacifica Flag
Empire of PACIFICA
(Formerly the Empire of the Realm of Pacifica)

"We are The First Primarily non Territorial Sovereign State with Portuguese as Official Language." - from an email
Website inactive as of 11 May 2008.

Manifesto of the Salem Project

This project calls for a Christian Theocratic state to be established on an artificial island (That is, the Bible would be the word of law, just as the Qur'an is the Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). Books, recordings and manifestos are available (They're also liked to this site). Copies of their manifesto have been given out at gun shows and survival/preparedness expos in the USA.
Website inactive as of 28 November 2002.


An artificial island construction project. Currently, their website is only informational, but offers e-mail contacts.
Website inactive as of 3 May 2008.


According to the website, this is "...the official website of the restored Roman Republic. Officially, we are the Septimontian Republic. But the spirit of our nation descends from that ancient and venerable people of antique Rome! With our functioning government-in-exile, we are working hard to restore our country to a properly landed home. With your help, we can achieve this goal. Join us and live the Roman way once more. Rome in the modern world! To restore the Republic! Ut RemPublicam Restituamus!"
Website inactive as of 11 May 2008.

Southern Valley Flag
Kingdom of the SOUTHERN VALLEY (aka The Order of the Greenmen)

"...we are actively seeking real land, at this time we have not been able to find any that any one nation will let us separate on to but we are searching the Oceans and even have toyed with the Idea of Space." - from an e-mail
Website inactive as of 11 May 2008.

Talin D'Ran Flag

"Talin D'ran is a collection of tribes which cover the entire earth. Each tribe has it's own cultures, languages, and way of life but they have all agreed to live by the 7revolution Documents, which were written for the creation of Talin D'ran." - from the website
As of 28 August 2007 the URL opens to a website for a project named "Deliberate Life".

Tarsician flag
Kingdom of TARSICIA

A model country project with plans and ambitions of starting a legitimate nation-state.
Older link, if still functioning, is at:

Both websites missing as of 11 May 2008.

Thaumaturgy Flag
Sovereign Republic of THAUMATURGY

"Soverign (sic) Republic of Thaumaturgy is a constitutional secular Republic and a multiparty parliamentary democracy. The Government is headed by President of State and the Cabinet, headed by the Prime Minister, exercises executive authority. The judiciary is independent of the Government. The Government effectively controls the police, all security organizations, and the armed forces." - from the website
This group has recently claimed several islands in the South China Sea (8° 38" N, 111° 55" E).

Website vanished as of 11 May 2008.

United Universal Union

Officially disbanded in 2005.

Principality of VALKENBOURG

"Micronations often use imaginary land maps, give out territorial titles and role-play politics, war and economies. The Principality of Valkenbourg does not enter into any of these gaming activities. The Principality is a serious seccessionist state and so does not distribute meaningless honours, sell titles or claim imaginary territory.
"At Present, Valkenbourg considers itself to be a State-in-Exile, that is, without land. The Principality will aquire land in the near future however and will claim it independant thus given a land base to Valkenbourg."
- from the website

Website vanished as of 11 May 2008.

Westarctican Flag
Grand Duchy of WESTARCTICA
Formerly the Achaean Territory of Antarctica

"While doing research on obscure parts of the world, the future Consul-General discovers that a large slice of Antarctica, known as Marie Byrd Land, Western Antarctica, or Lesser Antarctica, is the only piece of the continent not claimed by a world government. Researching the possibilities further, he realizes that the Antarctic Treaty only prevents established governments from issuing new claims to Antarctic lands, but does not prevent individuals acting on their own accord from doing such.
"He resolves to claim the area for himself, his family and friends. At the time, the future Consul-General calls it the 'New Land Claim.' The name is later changed to the Achaean Territory, in honor of the heroes of the Iliad, which he is reading at the time. He has a solid gold crown (known as the Consular Crown) made while visiting Turkey and begins preparations to formally stake his claim."
- from the website

Coins (were) available from the website, and flags (may still be) avalable from Mr. Flag.
Website inactive as of 9 March 2008.

Red Gryphon
Kingdom of ZARAHEMLA

"The Kingdom of Zarahemla is a kingdom in exile, in exile because we wish to live off Earth and are awaiting the advance of technology to assist us in reclaiming our future homeland: the asteroid Ceres and a segment of the planet Mars." -from the website
Website inactive as of 11 May 2008.

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