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De La Salle University - Taft Manila
I took up Bachelor of Science with a Degree in Computer Studies specializing in Software Technology(ST). I found lots of friends who are now my collegues. Animo La Salle!

insider stuff
The most challenging experience I have ever faced is SURVIVAL in the tri-sem system of DLSU. It is really fast that you don't even know the sem has ended. Well at least I survived and I'm proud of that. As you know, I commute to and from DLSU by bus and with that, I got to meet a lot of people which are my friends now. I also joined LSCS (La Salle Computer Society) and became an active member of Publicity Committee. I joined some of the inter-college contests and got 2nd prize for the Bulletin Board Contest. (See my resume for more info)

Visit Catch99 Website (our alumni website) and other DLSU links.

click pix to see more of grad highlights...

on the cover

ST Barkada-Mokongs
The Best Thesis Group
After College Pictures


s13 frosh
(click link to see more)
  The complete S13 Class pix (limited edition)... download now!!! Click pix to see larger size.




COMPRO1 class. Taking it seriously? naaah... From left clockwise are Noe, Me, Cho, Ms. Jumig (my look- a-like daw?) and Che.

First Christmas Party. This was taken at Karl's house (tnx Karl for everything...) Happy chit chatting with Me (in brown shirt) are Cho, Ace, and Botch. We look so innocent here, kainis!
st barkada
(click link to see more)
Gimik at Tagaytay with ST Barkada. These are my NFFs (new found friend) after choosing Software Technology as my specialization in CS. Being smart is really cool. From Top-Left Clockwise is Me, Mads, Kiok, Jerwynn, Sam, Gene, Ron, Mong, Cats, Jaykee, Gibs, and Jaq.
The Best Thesis Group. Through all the hardships and trials we have faced, I learned how to be strong and be an optimist. Thanks Cats, Mads, and Jack. We made it!
after graduation
May 27, 2000 - Dencio's Alabang. Get together to catch up on everyone's life. From left Cho, Me (in red), Che, Noe, Mark A., Angel, Gene, and Karl.
  Jul 22, 2001 - Kiok's Wedding @ Shangri La Edsa with the whole ST barkada. (see more)
  Jan 17, 2003 - Aubar Sports Grill, Greenbelt 3 (see more)   Mokong's bowling galore