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Mystery Contrails Said Analyzed To Be Ehtlyene Dibromide
What is EDB?
Do we have PROOF?
What is this Purple Haze?
EDB is a carcinogen and a mutagen that may also cause eye and skin irritation, cardiopulmonary arrest, and binds to DNA. Skin blisters and respiratory failure are other conditions caused by ethylene dibromide. The conditions are too numerous to list but this will give you an idea of problems caused by this chemical. EDB is a
carcinogen at any exposure level and humans are more susceptible than animals to the acute toxic affects. This does not mean that it will not kill animals. We have reports from California and Wyoming of the birds dying. 

We now have proof that our gove--ent is using chemical agents on populated areas they are adding it to military jet fuel. Have you ever   looked up at a vapor trail behind military aircraft flying so high a        symbol of Ame-ica's power. Look again!! Commerical jets also leave a lovely (non-toxic) vapor trail when the heat from the turbines come in contact with the cool air, condensing the water droplets into steam. Softly the lines diffuse into the blue sky. So what is different about the military aircraft? The answer is simple. It's the Fuel JP-8+100 is some really bad stuff. 
 A fuel sample of JP-8+100 was taken  to an independent lab
(NON GOV-RMENT FUNDED) and broken down. 

The sample revealed two toxic substances. 
       1. Ethlyene Di Bromide 
       2. Zinc Chloride 
       1. EDB attacks the Liver, Lungs , and Skin, causing liver damage, Lung  and skin C--cer. Also, EDB lowers the immune system by depleting the body of B vitamins and zinc. Answer to the problem--use a B Complex  vitamin and Zinc. 
       2. We don't know the effects of Zinc Chloride yet. 

Ethylene dibromide was used in leaded gasoline until 1983 to remove lead from engines and was found in engine exhaust. This chemical is a heavy liquid with a chloroform-like odor that becomes a gas at temperatures greater than 40 degrees F. 
The higher the temperature it is dispersed at the more toxic It becomes, therefore dispersing from
a jet would be ideal, The compound is stable, meaning it does not       easily decompose.  This would account for the substance staying in the sky for long periods of time. EDB is only slightly soluble in   water, but dissolves easily in organic solvents. JP-8 Is considered an organic solvent. A water sample from rain would be an excellent way to verify contamination and a fuel sample so much the better. 

       Please note that EDB is a colorless liquid, with a sweet odor,    however no smell does not mean you are not being exposed.        Substances are also added that counteract the smell. Pilots please     note that dispersing JP-8, along with these toxic chemicals is killing       people. You are not counteracting any type of biological that has      been spread, or any antidote of anytype. 

 When you look up over the skys of New York City on a clear, sunny        morning you see the military aircraft making patterens across the sky  with their vapor trails. The smoke is thick and does not go away.  When it comes in contact with the sunlight it turns to a purple color, then dissipates into an overcast Purple Haze. 

The lab director of Aqua-tech Environmental using samples taken from JP-8  contaminated fields of Maryland and Pennsylvania, reported today (9/18/97) that ethylene dibromide, otherwise known  as EDB, has been the contaminate in the fuel and water samples  submitted by farmers, pilots and tanker drivers. 

EDB is one of the  most tightly controlled EPA substances and was banned in 1983 due to its carcinogenieity.

EDB is a pesticide that apparently is being   placed in the jet fuel and dispersed on a daily, almost non-stop basis in our skies. 

The lines filling our skies are not contrails. The lines are dispersed and may linger for hours, slowly filtering down to unsuspecting pests, and I guess we're the PESTS. 

From: Elora Gabriel < 
Subject: Fuel Trail Analysis 

This is a forward regarding the chemical analysis of the mysterious
contrails from jet planes, which have been seen in various parts of the country. We have seen them here in Asheville, NC, and they are increasingly being reported all over the US. These are *not* the normal vapor trails from jets. If you never received any of the original posts on this, I might be able to dig them up--or try writing John Winston as he recently posted material about the contrails. Now we have a chemical analysis of what's coming down from these things. It's scary. BUT HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS. 

I know a woman in Seattle who is capable of making antidote       homeopathic remedies for this stuff. I'm going to call her today and will have more information soon.  ALSO IF YOU HAVE BEEN EXPLOSED, my friend may be able to help you. Apparently some people are also having success taking colloidal silver, (JW I don't know much about colloidal silver and do not at this time advocate it's use but maybe   my attitude will change in the future.) which would suggest that there may be pathogens in some of the contrails. But as far as I know, there is no direct evidence of this. -- Elora 

 Properties of EDB - LEARN MORE! 

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