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Jerry`s Memorial Page

Jerald Lee Stucky, 66, of Pahrump, passed away Nov. 12, 2008.
He was born March 13, 1942, in Newton, Kan., and was a 26-year resident of Nevada.
Jerald was a retired railroad conductor and served in the U.S. Navy.
He was preceded in death by his mother, Louise Stucky.
Jerald is survived by his wife, Sherry; and his father, Donald, both of Pahrump;
daughters, Jodie of Newaygo, Mich., Lisa and Suzy, both of Las Vegas, and Jeri Lynne of Pahrump;
sons, Edward of Pahrump and Eric of Las Vegas;
nine grandchildren; his sister, Donna Lavery of Grand Rapids, Mich.;
and numerous friends and shipmates from the USS Beale Reunions.
There will be no funeral services, but cards and floral tributes are welcomed.

Memorial Book Entries

Date: November 21, 2008 From: David Brady, Emmaus, PA 18049
Because you (Jerry) and I touched each others' life for a short period of time, each of us were never the same.
Yes, you and I have touched, and we are forever

Date: November 21, 2008 From: Dave Achs, OKC,Oklahoma
What a time Jerry and I have had since meeting on the USS Beale 48 years ago.
Over 4,000 emails in ten years and we still never grew tired of talking on a daily basis.
No one ever had a better or closer friend.
To say he will be missed just doesn't convey what is felt.(EBEN) Dave & Janet Achs

Date: November 21, 2008 From: MARK EVDEMON Irwin, PA.
My sincerest sympathy to Jerry's Family; their loss is great and irreplacable.
We have lost a USS Beale shipmate, a friend and a good man.
I am glad I got to know Jerry and his good humor.
He will be greatly missed.

Date: November 21, 2008 From: Jeri Lynne Pahrump,NV
My father was the best man I have ever known.
He was a great husband & one of my best friends.
He is greatly missed already & will be forever.

Date: November 22, 2008 From: Bill Brings Hudson, Florida
I met Jerry at one of the Beale`s reunions, we had a good time.
I served on the Beale at a later period. We kept in touch through E-mail.
A good friend and sailor. We were all waiting for his attendance at the next reunion.
I guess we will have to wait for that one. God bless the family.

Date.- November 22, 2008 From: Gary Dillingham Las Vegas, Nevada
I worked at the yard office at the Union Pacific Railroad in Las Vegas and saw Jerry when he came to work on my shift.
He will be greatly missed and I would like to offer my love and prayers to his family and friends. Gary Dillingham

Date; December 06, 2008 From: Stanley Pritchard Mansfield, Ohio
Jerry was one person i would do anything for and as such he will always be in my heart and remembered.
His e-mail to me and mine to him will be missed by us all who served with him on the Beale and the lives he touched and God knows him well,Stan

Date; December 07, 2008 From: Dave (Dink) & Leslie Leslie From: Burlington, New Jersey
Jerry will be physically missed but will live in our hearts forever.
You didn't have to know Jerry very long to become a lifetime friend.
I don't like to say "he's gone to a better place" but I CAN say "wherever he is is a better place now" !
Our condolences to the family (and to Dave) for the premature loss..

Date: December 07, 2008 From: Rodney Bohl Austin, Texas
When The Lights Go Out
When the lights go out some of us will cry some of us will sigh and all of us will remember the good with the bad and wish we could start all over again.
We gained friends, we had enemies but a few of us found love and understanding. Friend

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