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The little voices in the back of your mind....

Well, I'll have to say it.. I have little voices in my head that tell me what to do.. Yep..There are 16 of them and they all have names..... Larry, Julie, Bob, Cameron, Pedro, Susie, Mark, Eugene, Sarah, Elisabeth, Alex, Tim, Darien, Micky, Kara, and Victoria.
Elisabeth tells me when and how to be nice and caring to people. She is the sweet one.
Bob tells me to be angry. He's the mean one. No one likes Bob.
Cameron tells me who to like. He is very decisive, but fair and nice.
Susie is the kid of the group. She is childlike in every way and wants me to always play.
Sarah and Julie are a team. They tell me to agree or disagree with certain things. Unfortunately, they don't always get along so I'm confused a lot.
Mark is the lazy one. He tells me when I should sleep. The problem with that is that he's so lazy, he forgets a lot of the time to tell me when to sleep. It's not so bad though.
Kara is my dark side. Need I say more?
Micky is the shy one of the group. She would rather go hide in a corner than talk to anyone. She always says, "Be cautious and don't talk to anyone. They won't help you. They'll just make fun of you."
Victoria tells me to always be feminine and how to do it. She tells me what to do around guys, though sometimes I think she really doesn't know what she's saying. She's a ditz..
Tim tells me to act more male. I don't understand why cause I'm not male. Oh well, between Victoria and him I'm both. But, it depends on who I'm around.
Eugene is the brains of the operation. He tells me to always think. You could say he's the teacher's pet. He knows everything I do. And when I'm in school I may not be paying attention, but he is. So he tells me later.
Pedro doesn't understand anything. Well, they all say he doesn't. He just sits there listening. I think he really does understand. And one day he'll take over!
Darien tells me that I should take more initiative. He says that instead of just sitting around I should just go out and do whatever it is I wanted to do.
Larry... Oh dear, it's Larry. Larry is crazy, psycho, demented, insane, or otherwise known as loony. He sits in a padded room all day, rocking back and forth, mumbling incoherent thoughts. He is where I get most of my crazy or weird thoughts, ideas, words, actions and dreams from. His favorite saying is, "Blue? I hate blue. Blue is the color of the sky. The sky? I hate the sky. Birds fly in the sky. Birds? I hate birds. We eat them for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving? I hate Thanksgiving. People come for Thanksgiving. People? I hate people. They make me crazy. Crazy? I went crazy once, and they locked me in a padded room, with a hard blue bed. Blue? I hate blue. Blue is the color of the sky......."
And then there's Alex... That's me. I'm just plain old Alex. Though it's not my name. It's the person I am. I am her in every way. She always listens to what other people say. That's what I do. I listen, it doesn't mean I always do what they say though. I talk and comfort. That's Alex too. She does what she wants or doesn't. And she is happy and sad and confused, but aren't we all? She is your basic shrink, well not exactly shrink, but someone that can usually help you with your problems. And well, everyone that knows me would say the same about me. Though we're not professionals! And we have our problems, too. Oh well, so now you've met the gang. So I guess when you see me you'll either say hello Autumn, or you'll say hello to everyone in there! Well, Me, myself, and my 16 others are going to continue on making more pages.. Hope you enjoyed this one! And have and will enjoy the others! Bye Bye for now!

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