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Crying is like a rain drop, Fallen from a cloudy sky. Falling, falling, but it does not know why. Why are you there little tear? Has your owner lost someone dear? Why do you fall in a little streak? Has their life become so, so bleak? Have they lost all hope? You would think this person was a complete sappy dope? Why are you there non-stop? If ants heard it, it would be a big kerplop!? Little tear, little tear, do not come anymore. The rain has lifted and the clouds are no more. Little tear, little tear, There's no need fear. You will be needed, once again. To cry for the ill, or suffering, or hurt. To cry for someone whose happy, and joyous, and filled with glee! Little tear, little tear. The time has come. To lock yourself away.. For another one of those... Rainy days.

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