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It hurts...
I don't know why.
I was happy.. once...
Happiness seems forever gone
like a cool summer breeze that you never forget
but you can never have the same breeze...
Oh what a cruel world we make of it.
Make of everything.
It's all the same now...
Nothing will change.
No one is truely happy.
We fake it.
Fake it all into oblivion.
Born free we think they are,
But lives in shackels for all eternity..
The pain never ceasing never going away.
Always there and more to add at a moments notice...
What do we ever notice?
We are heartless beasts,
Fuck those who say otherwise...
We know it, try to change it...
It gets worse.
The pain now increased.
If we die what would we do?
We relive the pain forever...
Do we cry?
The fragile edge of sanity still remains.
Will it break?
I do hope so.
No worries..
On the thin edge...
Stand barefoot amist the rocks,
become one with the ground
then the water.
Then burn yourself.
Become one with the fire and the flesh.
Now take a leap and soar...
One with the air...
Dive down, down, down..
Become one with the earth,
but this time forever...
So take the leap.
Let the pain cease for just a moment.
Ten folds of it come upon you when you get back...
But you don't care,
the moment of pure happiness was there.
You had it.
Sadness takes over.
Then you remember.
Always remember never forget....
Because it is the only true happiness........
Eternal Death.

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