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Tears come but do not fall
to the eyes of a stormy green.
The window into the soul is clouded
by the agony of defeat.
The wheels of the mind churn at an incredible pace,
spitting out nothingness, despair, and misery.
The thought of love
is to be sought out and destroyed.
The scream let loose by the heart
is silent as it slowly dies.
The thumping of the feet
as they run endlessly nowhere.
The body shivers
to the coldness of being alone.
And the arms and hands grasp to hold on
to something that was never there.
The once known shine of curiosity and happiness
is now unemployed to this broken down shack
of what was once a fine human-being.
No one knew what was going on
inside this pale frame.
No one wanted to know about the pains
of the mind for this poor creature.
No one will know why this saddened shape of a
pathetic wretch, put on the greatest facade
of all time for their happiness.
And no one knows why this figure... is now gone...