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I stand alone in the cold, cold, dark. Stand and wait for someone, any one to come. I am so alone, and afraid. I don't know who it is, But I can hear footsteps coming towards me. As each step they take draws nearer, It sounds like they slow down. Until they completely stop. I listen, but the person has disappeared. I stand there alone again. Hoping someone will come my way. I walk a little ways. Not knowing where I'm going. I can't see anything. It's still to dark. A bright flash of light and I am blinded. I trip and fall. The light goes away, I am once again alone in the dark. I huddle there shivering, For what must seem like hours. I look up and man is standing over me. Where he came from I do not know. He holds a small lantern in his hand. It is warm and comforting. He helps me to my feet, And he smiles sweetly at me. I smile back and look deeply into his eyes. He is the one I was waiting for. He was always the one. As we walk hand in hand I know, He has come to take me home.

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