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I sit and think. Think of the days that have gone by and everyone in them. I think about those good times, those sad times and those times I wish I had done something different. I visualize everyday about something that happened to me. Something really good, or really bad. I think of the good things compared to the bad ones. And I think, how I could have made it this far. Then I realize, everything I have gone through happened for a reason. What reason I will never know. They may have hurt or been pleasant, but I am where I am now because of it all. I'm not in the best place I could be, or leading the best life. I'm not in the worst place either, and I'm not dead. I take it in stride everyday, because I think about all those things that could happen to me. And wonder whether good or bad, if they'll ever happen to me. All because I sit, and think.

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