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Today is a day. Unlike those boring old days. Today something is different. You wonder what. You get up to look at yourself in the mirror. Nope, you don't look different. You go look in the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room, and the basement. Nothing different there. You go outside. It's cool and breezy. Like any other Autumn day. You walk into town and look around. People walk by talking and laughing, the druggies at the park stoned and laughing at the things passing by, the stores playing music, and the food places with those lovely smells coming out. You walk around and nothing's different there. You walk to a phone and call some friends. Ask how they are and what's going on. Same old same old. Still nothing is different there. You sit down and try read for a while but you can't. Instead you think for a while about what is different. What could be different? As you get up to go home the sun is low in the sky. As you walk home darkness falls and the street lights come on just as you walk in the door. Nothing was different. But you have still have the same feeling. The feeling that something is different. As you turn on the news there were reports of a horrible crash. 6 people dead, and 3 critically injured. As they list off the names you stand horrified and numb. The 3 injured were drunk and had crashed into a car. The people who died, are your family and your best friends. They were on their way home. To give you a surprise Birthday party. It is your Birthday and the most horrifying of the bad things that have happened to you around your Birthday has happened. Everyone is dead, and now your all alone. That day certainly was different. And now.. it always will be.

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