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A white box room with no openings. Nothing is in the room. Nothing, except you. Then the pictures come, like they have before. You can't ignore them. It starts with a black and white chessboard. As the pieces battle the music starts. You wish it would stop now and go away, but you know it won't. It will play out to the end. As you think this a red butterfly with white and black markings flies past. With each wing beat blood splatters and falls. It covers everything. Now the room is red. All red. A web mysteriously weaves itself. When it is done it starts to spin as you hear the evil music playing. The web grows and draws nearer. In the middle you see a small girl crying for her life. The evil music gets louder and louder until it is the only thing you hear. You can't stand it and cover your ears, but quickly pull them away. Your hands are covered in blood. There are slits on your wrists and on your palms. Blood pours for the painless wounds. The silts in your palms open to reveal an unblinking pair of eyes in the palest blue you've ever seen. You panic and turn around as everything suddenly goes black. A pyramid appears before you. You enter and all you see is an endless space. Stars, moons, planets, and comets are everywhere. Right in front of you appears a single red rose. It withers and turns black then bursts into flame. You watch the red, yellow, orange, and blue of the flame. It hypnotizes you. Suddenly a forked tongue raps around you and pulls you into an awaiting open mouth. You scream and then you are in total blackness again. As the black fades to light so does the music. Fading from black to gray to white. You look around dazed and realize you are back in the box. You sit crying and your body shivering all over. It is hopeless for within the next hour, the ordeal will begin again. And will continue over and over. As you finally calm down, you cry out as you notice the room has now become a chess board once again...... And if you listen closely, you can hear someone in the background chuckling evilly to themselves. Right before the music begins. Muahahahahahahaha... Muahaha, Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

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