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MSCL Quotes - Episode 1.3

Episode 1.3

Guns and Gossip

Note that passes the class:
Angela and Jordan Catalano
...Can you believe her?

Rayanne [She pulls Angela close to her and strokes her hair]: Angela, come on. Come here. You got to start thinking of this as a positive thing. I mean, this could help you get to the next level with Jordan... Ok, did he at least think you were a good kisser?
Angela: I don't know.
Rickie: Well, did you like the way he kissed?
Angela: They weren't the kind of kisses you could actually evaluate. They were... introductory kisses.
Rayanne: You should have just had sex with him.

Angela: There, did you see that?
Rayanne: Huh? What?
Angela: That guy. People are looking at me.
Rayanne [smiling]: That's good.
Angela: They're LOOKING at me.
Rayanne: Oh, they're LOOKING at you.
Boy [passes by Angela]: Hi.
Angela: Hi.
[The boy leaves, and Angela and Rayanne begin to laugh.]
Angela: You see. Now what was that about?
Rayanne: He said hi?
Angela: That was not hi.
Rayanne: That was hi.
Angela: That was a *different* hi.
Rayanne: That was a he wants to get to know you hi.
Angela: From someone who never talks to me, has never talked to me and would never talk to me.
Rayanne: Except now he thinks you put out so he talks to you. [Laughs] See, I told you that note was good.
Angela: Rayanne...

Patty: I wish I could be that...
Amber: What? Loud? Obnoxious?
Patty [laughing]: Forceful. I'm Patty Chase.
Amber: Hi.
Patty: Angela's mom?
Amber: Ah, wow. Angela. Oh, Rayanne talks about her all the time. She's in love with her. She wants to be Angela.
Patty: Really. Gosh, they... They seem so different.
Amber: Oh, you know kids. They find one person and they just can't get enough of them. Like being in love only they re not allowed to have sex.
Patty [laughing]: Right.

Patty: Honey? Who's Jordan?
Angela: No one... You mean Jordan Catalano?
Patty: Is that his last name?
Angela: I don't know. You brought it up.
Patty: I met Rayanne's mom tonight, and she was all excited about your new boyfriend, Jordan.
Angela: Boyfriend. That's a laugh.
Patty: So, he's not your boyfriend?
Angela [going to the refrigerator]: Mom, I barely know this person. I don't know that I want to know this person.
Patty: Well, then... you haven't...
Angela [coming close to Patty]: What did you hear? What did she tell you?
Patty: Nothing. She didn't tell me anything.
Angela: Did she say I was sleeping with Jordan Catalano?
Patty: No. I mean, no, of course not. No one said that. It just... Well, I mean, well I just wondered...
Angela: She did. I can't believe this. I can't believe this. [As she leaves the kitchen] I hate everyone.

Gina [smiling]: Hi Brian.
Brian: What?
Gina: You know I was thinking, this whole thing with the gun and all would really make an important article for the paper. So, I was thinking that you and I should do an interview sometime. You know, just to let people know what really happened. Maybe sometime after school. What do you think?
Brian: What?
Gina [walking away]: See you later.
[Brian detects interest in him from Gina, and turns and they look at each other as she walks away.]

Patty: Ah, this is hard. We need to talk.
Angela(voiceover): When I was twelve, my mother gave me my sex talk. I'm not sure either of us has fully recovered.
Patty: Now that you and Jordan are, eh...
Angela [looking painful]: Oh my God. Mom, please.
Patty: Angela. I can accept that you have a boyfriend.
Angela: I don't have a boyfriend.
Patty: Fine. A pal. A male pal. Whatever word you want to choose. The point is... I'm your mother, and I don't think you're ready.
Angela: Mom, pleeeease.
Patty: I don't think you're ready. But, I have to know if this is what's happening because... I... don't think that I... I keep you from...
Angela [covering her ears and curling up in a foetal postion]: Mom, I beg you to stop.
Patty: I need to know that you are using... I mean, I... I remember how this feels. I do. But... But... It's the times that we live in, it... I...
Angela: Mom, please...
Patty: Honey. I know you don't want to think about these things. I know you think that you're invulnerable, but...
Angela: I don't think that. You have no idea...
Patty: You have to use some kind of protection if you are going to be...
Angela: Mom, I'm not having sex, alright. Really. I'm not even close. To an embarrassing degree.
Patty [relieved]: Oh, ah. Ok. I'm sorry honey, I just... I just want you to be prepared when the time comes. Whenever the time comes.
Angela: It will never come. Not with Jordan.
Patty: Is that what's bothering you?
Angela: No, nothing 's bothering me.
Patty: Something's bothering you.
Angela: Mom, you couldn't possibly understand or help, so please. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but just please.
Patty [hugs Angela]: I'm here if you need me. You know that.

[In high school, Angela is walking down the hallway. She spots Jordan and walks to a poster describing the Heimlich maneuver to avoid seeing him.]
Jordan [suddenly standing next to Angela]: That's good to know about.
Angela(startled): Yeah.
Jordan: My uncle choked on a chicken bone.
Angela(voiceover): That's when the change happened. Just like that. Somewhere in those few seconds, I knew my life would never be the same.
Angela: Did he survive?
Jordan: Yeah.
Angela(voiceover): I knew then that the rumor was right. Not in actuality, but in my heart. Because at that moment I would have done anything, I wanted him so much.
Jordan: Look, eh, I didn't say anything about... you know.
Angela: I know.
Jordan: I just wanted you to know that.
Angela: Thank you.
Jordan: Because I'm not like that. I... I don't do that.
Angela: No.
Jordan: So weird, huh?
Angela: Yeah, yeah.
Jordan: I mean the way people talk. I mean, [whispering] people think we did it.
Angela [whispering back]: I know.
Jordan: It's like we might as well done it anyway at this point.
Angela [unsure]: Oh.
Jordan: I mean, at least... You know, I mean if everybody is talking about it already, maybe we eh... I mean, not to make a big deal of it or anything...
Angela [slowly]: Out of what?
Jordan: Out of... [whispers] out of anything... I mean if everybody's... already assuming it anyway. [drawing close to Angela] Maybe, we should just...
Angela(voiceover): It's amazing the things you notice. Like the corner of his collar that was coming undone. Like he was from a poor family and couldn't afford new shirts. That's all I could see. The whole world was that unravelled piece of fabric.
Angela: I think... I have to go.
Jordan: Look, I'm sorry if I...
Angela [walking away]: No, it's ok.
Jordan: No pressure or anything.
Angela: I have to go.
Jordan: You could just think about it.
Angela(voice over): It's such a lie that you should do what's in your heart. If we all did what was in our hearts, the world would grind to a halt.
