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This month, NOROMO VALUES is featuring...

Etc - Leftovers and Off Topics

club wars - LOON vs BEE SQUAD!

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TBS vs LOON conceptually
TBS vs LOON website-wise
TBS member links
LOON member links
Conclusion (who wins the war)

"There is a war raging, Agent Mulder..."

Alright, I admit it. There is no war, at least, not 'round these parts. Maybe not even a battle. Maybe there's not even any conflict, not the slightest whisper of disagreement ... hey, a journo can dream. (And I'm not even a journo! Now you know things are getting desparate.)

But I digress. What is this month's Feature about? Simply, it's a Noromo club review type thing - LOON vs the Bee Squad! (Sure, I could have just said that from the beginning, but then there's no mystery in the relationship!) I'll make some vague comparisons, lazy generalizations, and towards the end, we'll see if any kind of conclusion is drawn, or even envisaged. J Enjoy!

I'm also going to be really lazy and not link to either sites from anywhere but this mina page. Of course, they're both also on my links page. But here you go:

The Bee Squad

I hear LOON might also be moving to


Concept vs Concept, Website vs Website

LOON members links || Bee Squad members links


NOROMO VALUES by Brianna L ( Let me know if something looks wrong, or if you have comments, critisism, praise, suggestions.
Not in frames but table-heavy so Netscapers, tread lightly. Sitemap, disclaimer.
Spoiler free for Australian teev. Lawyers and Shippers, fuck off, everyone else, enjoy.
Visited link ... ... ... Unvisited link.