The SONJA InterviewAs a part of March 1999's Feature, N.V. interviewed four prolific online Noromos (via e-mail). One of them was Sonja Blue, the creator and archivist of the Acacia Archive (an X-Files' fanfic archive). The interview was divided into 3 parts - Sonja as an X-Phile, Sonja as a webmaster and lastly, Sonja as an a human bean. PART ONE: AS AN X-FILES FAN When did you start watching The X-Files?
Just off the top of your head, some classic episodes?
How long have you realised you were a Noromo? What do you think about the whole Shippers vs. Noromos thing?
It was still a very long time after this that I even came across the word 'Noromo' I can't remember how I found out what it meant.
I knew this because I had already talked about the show to other people off-line and long before I had the internet, that one of the things I loved about the X-Files is that Mulder and Scully were not having any sort of romantic relationship. The sort that always seems to happen in every show on the television and I was very sick and tired of this theme of matching up the leads, that seemed to be the standard formula for all types of tv shows, from comedies to drama. These two partners, federal agents in what is a sort of cop show and they were of opposite sex, were not becoming romantically involved, what a very new and radical concept I thought. What was your opinion on the movie, and in particular, ~~that scene~~?
They were in the middle of a extremely stressful situation, maybe even more intense than even they are used to. Because Scully was considering leaving the X-Files for good, which would mean that they would lose each other in a way. I guess they were already
starting to miss each other. I'm sure they were both happy that nothing actually did happen!! How do you feel about the characters now (eg, are you a OBSSEsor, a Mulderist, a Frohike Liberationist)?
X-F links you love to death?
What are your thoughts on fanfic? Do you read it regularly, write it? If so where is it archived, under what name?
I would love to be able to write fan fiction and I'm making an attempt... unfortunately I'm a better reader than I am a writer. Putting together the archive for Noromo Fiction is the best way I know how to contribute to the X-Files fan fiction community.
I am still trying my best also to write fanfic, but it is slow going. Also what ever I write will not be going into the Acacia Archive because what I want to write is Mulder/Krycek slash. One can see my one lone attempt of X-files fan fiction by going to my web site "The Web of Sonja Blue." It is about 4k, makes no sense and is Mulder/Skinner slash; the result of reading too much Mulder/Skinner slash. PART TWO: AS A WEBMASTER How old is your site now?
What inspired you to create it in the first place?
And I would try this whole process again, sometimes there was not even a warning, I had to find out about part way into the story. This was very time consuming.
I looked specifically for a Noromo archive and could not find one... there was a big gaping hole in the fanfic archives out there and I jumped in and filled it ;) Do you still enjoy updating it and looking after it?
Have you had much interesting feedback from it, made any new friends / enemies?
When you started it, did you think you would be able to find much Noromo-friendly 'fic?
Alias' used, if any?
Please list all the websites you run...
If you have a picture, please send it to me! [ I know, I know, but it'd be nice for all us Noromos to see what our heroes and heroines look like :) ]
Which mailing lists / message boards / newsgroups do you usually hang around?
E-mail addie:
What would be likely to find you reading / listening to / playing?
What do you spend your time doing when your modem's turned off?
NOTES... Lois McMaster Bujold's official website - Triple J's official website - "Watching the J's" unofficial website - The Whitlams official website - The End of Your World: Unofficial Whitlams site - Tori Amos' official website - Aaron Spelling's official website - sorry, couldn't find one, instead try the official Melrose Place site - I have spent many pleasant hours reading and replying to Sonja's e-mails, and when she says that she's too nice to make any enemies - well, I believe her. Many thanks to her taking some time out of her busy HTML-writing time (tell me you could maintain that many websites and not be busy!) to take part in this interview. Because it sure woulda been a boring one if she hadn't... Acacia Archive -
NOROMO VALUES by Brianna L ( Let me know if something looks wrong, or if you have comments, critisism, praise, suggestions. Not in frames but table-heavy so Netscapers, tread lightly. Sitemap, disclaimer. Spoiler free for Australian teev. Lawyers and Shippers, fuck off, everyone else, enjoy. Visited link ... ... ... Unvisited link. |