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Settling Down In Vegas

Paul and I decided to settle in Las Vegas,
there was at the time more employment opportunites in Vegas than in Utah.
We also liked the weather as well. We moved from Stovepipe Wells,
(Death Valley,California) to Las Vegas. We looked all over the city,
and we finally found a place that we wanted to live. It was a small
apartment but we liked it. We officially moved into the apartment on
October 31st,19 .What we didn't know was that October 31st was
Nevada Day so everything was closed because of a state holiday.

Luckily we had a battery operated camping lantern to give us light.
Since we didn't have power until the next Monday. It was kind of fun
camping out in our own apartment.

We started out on our new life with not a stick of furniture,not even
a bed. The first piece of furniture was a dresser so that we could
actually unpack our duffel bags. Between the two of us, our worldly
possessions consisted of our clothing, the set of dishes that we had
gotten when we were first married. An iron, a broom,carpet sweeper,
our sleeping bags and pillows and some extra blankets. We also had a
microwave. The next piece of furniture was a bed.

It would be several months down the road, before we could get a
couch. Oh yes I almost forgot, the other piece of furniture that we
had was our card table which we used as a dining table.

Paul's first job was as a carpet layer, he was working with a good
friend of ours until our friend had to leave town as his truck broke to go home to his parents.

Paul got a job as a security guard for a small security company.
I was working at a trophy making place, where I was learning the
ropes there, unfortunately it didn't work out too well. I quickly Paul got another job at Stop and Go, whom were bought out by 7-11.
Our name for Stop and Go was "Stop,Rob and Go". It lived up to
its name. Paul was held up one night while I was on the phone
talking to him. I thought he was having to deal with a very
rude customer until he told me after the man left, "I
just got robbed, I have to call the police".

It didn't hit me as to what he just said until I hung up the
phone. I managed to deal with it all right I guess. but Paul was
not about to work there ever again. He was able to get hired on
at the Marina, which is now the MGM Grand.

We had our trials and tribulations, BUT through it all,
Heavenly Father watched over us. He made certain that we were able
to endure things... and we saw His hand in our daily lives.
when things seemed the darkest.. We are very grateful for His
love and blessings. If it were not for Him we would not be alive
this day.

God has definitely blessed us, and we are grateful to Him.
From starting out with not a stick of furniture, we now have a
great deal of things. They may not be brand new but, we have
furniture and we are comfortable.

Paul and I decided to wait for awhile before we had any kids.
I had become pregnant about a month after we were married.
Tragically I miscarried when I was 3 weeks along. I guess it
wasn't time for me to have kids yet. That scared myself and
Paul and thus the reason why we waited.