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The First Date, The Romance, Our Marriage

Paul had asked me out to go with him. I don't remember the exact day, but I do remember my answer, which was no.
My mother asked me why I said no and I realized that I had done something very stupid. Here is a nice person and I didn't give him a chance.
Fortunately he had given me his phone number, I called him back and asked if the offer to go out with him was still an option.
Good thing that phones didn't have a video hook up, but I am certain that Paul saw the red glow through the phone. Thankfully he let me know that he still wanted to go out with me. Where we went on our first date was a church function. I had never seen a rock concert and even though it was a video of a Barry Manilow concert. I enjoyed myself immensely.

The Romance
I won't go into a lot of details. There were good times and bad times,I would prefer not to go into the bad times since everyone has some bad spots in a relationship. the fun times we had were, chasing seagulls in the city park. Chasing a rainbow. on bicycles. Having a scavenger hunt finding the clues to find out where I am to meet Paul for a date. That was a lot of fun. During the course of out getting to know each other, we discovered that we had several mutual friends in high school, In college when I was with some friends of mine, Paul was our waiter.

We ended up meeting each other time to time, yet we did not remember the meetings, Paul had a locker by mine but again, we did not ever meet, face to face. I really think that God had a hand in this. For at the time that we had those brief encounters, we were not really ready to get married. The time was not right. Then February 18th came about and the time was right for things to progress.

Paul and I were friends before we became engaged. Which is very important. Being friends with your spouse, keeps a marriage alive and fun. Your loved one should be your best friend. After all you will be spending the rest of your life with the one your married. And being friends helps to keep the divorces down in the world.

The Engagement

Paul and I went to a marathon of Chuck Norris films. It was fun. We sat through eight hours of his films. I like Chuck Norris films. Anyway, that night was very special, and perhaps some may say that it was not really romantic, but Paul asked me to marry him and I accepted.

Our Wedding

Paul and I only had three days for us to get things together for our wedding.
Luckily we had all ready got our wedding time scheduled a month ahead. We had to go to Orem by bus, I had to get a dress that I wanted to be married in. We picked out our cake, which we wanted to be a simple but pretty cake. We got all of the necessary papers together. Believe me we were running from day one.

Then on September 3rd, we were married in the Provo LDS Temple.

Other Wedding pictures


We did not want a reception, so there was just an open house. Friends dropped presents off.

We cut the cake, opened the presents up and then got packed, as we needed to get back to Bryce and get back to work. We got on the bus at midnight, and we were on our way back. It was a very busy Labor Day weekend.

Pictures of Bryce

Here are a few pictures of Bryce which we took. Bryce Canyon is one of the youngest canyons on Earth.
Part of peekaboo trail
The Silent City
Another View of the Silent City
Bottom of WallStreet
On one of Bryce Canyon's Trails
Seen on mule ride
The Mule Train

Bryce Canyon is one of the prettier Canyons around, though the other canyons are breath taking as well.
Paul and I in the course of our marriage, worked and lived at several National Parks besides Bryce Canyon. To name a few: North Rim the Grand Canyon, South Rim the Grand Canyon. And Death Valley. What a way to see some of natures wonderful sites.

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