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Our Kids

After a time, when we got settled, I left my job at Wendy's.
I wanted to get rested up and get ready to have a baby.
We prayed about it and felt that it was time.
On June 1st 1990, Johnnie Lee Noble was born. We named him after
Paul's father, he was so pleased to hear that we named our 1st
child after him. Johnnie was born a week early but that was a good
thing. I didn't realize at that time, I had been exposed to the german
measles. I had them when I was little, but for some reason I got
them again. I had to stay in the hospital for five extra days. I
was not happy, I wanted to be at home with Paul and my beautiful
baby boy. My parents came down very quickly when we called them.
My mother stayed with us for almost a month until I was well, then
she went home. When Mom and Dad held Johnnie, he opened his eyes
looked at them as if he was examining them, once satisfied, he fell
asleep in their arms as if to say" Okay I approve I like my
grandparents, I'll keep them. Johnnie is now 8 years old.

I have several stories that he had written and I will have them
on another page.

Vanessa LaRee, born February 5th 1994. Her birth was wonderful,
I had talked to Heavenly Father and mentioned to Him that I didn't
want to have to stay in the hospital and have the same thing happen
that happened when Johnnie was born. He answered my prayers.
I did become one of the statistics of going to the hospital and having
to wait to see if my labor pains were real or just the false labor.
so I had to dress in two hospital gowns, one to cover my back side
and they wanted me to walk around in the hospital to see if I would
become more dialated and to start things rolling. Well I took them
at their word. I walked all over the hospital, and looked at
everthing that I was allowed to. I was a comical sight, long
tube socks, a pair of sneakers, my hair in two long braids,
and a hospital gown, definitely pregnant. And a big grin on my face.

Well the walk didn't help so we had to go home. I was,
a little grumpy at the time, That evening I told Paul he could go
ahead and go to work and I told my sister that she could go home
as well. I just didn't want anyone hovering over me until the time
came. I said, "I am not about to go to the hospital until the real
thing hits." Heavenly Father was listening and things got moving
about 1 am. I called my sister, She got her fiancee' who drove her
over and he drove Paul and myself to the hospital in a big hurry.

Good thing too, Vanessa was born 3 hours later. It was quite an event.
My original ob/gyn had gone on vacation. so his partner was brought
in. He came in wearing a baseball cap. And when he was dressed to
deliver the baby he turned his cap backwards and crouched in the
catchers position to catch the baby. It was hilarious. I got to
go home that very day, just like I had prayed to happen. I was so
happy about that. Vanessa is now 4 and a half.

Our youngest is Robert DeMantz. He was born June 27th, 1997.
His birth was an adventure as well. The ob/gyn that I had been
going to, he had to go on vacation and sure enough, the baby was
born while he was on vacation. His partner, comes from the South.
His accent one can picture him sitting on a porch swing sipping a
mint julep. He likes to bring in music while he delivers the baby's.
It was a race between myself and another mother to be on whom would
be the one to be ready to deliver first. She won. Though Robert
was very eager to come out. I had to make certain not to laugh as
he was all ready crowning. The doctor got there pretty quick. He
took one look at Paul and said,

"Nurse! Get this man ready!Okay Dad where is the camera?"

"Uhhh in the bag."Paul says, not quite certain as to what was going on.

"Okay dad, you put him in. You are going to take him out!"

The Doctor took charge of things and before Paul knew what was
going to happen he helped to deliver Robert. The doctor did the first
part getting the head out and a shoulder. Paul did the rest, and
also cut the umbilical cord. It was really something.. I loved
every second it was fun. I didn't get to go home that night or the
next morning. But, Robert came out with out a single bruise or
blemish on him. I am grateful for that.
Robert is now around 18 months.

We dearly love our kids and are glad to have them.