Welcome to Webmasters Unplugged! So, you've been to all the top websites, huh? Well, have you ever wondered what the Webmaster(s) was like? Or what inspired them to make that great site? Well, most Webmasters/Mistresses love positive feedback. So feel free to e-mail 'em!
But, some of you are too shy to write and ask questions, but you may still be curious about the people behind those kickin' sites. So, Webmasters unplugged will bring you some of the best PR webmasters around, kicked back and ready to discuss all sorts of things.
We've got tons of great Webmasters here, wating to talk. So, let's get interviewing!
This time we've got one of the top 3 PR site makers! He created one of the best PR sites on the net, The PR Online Archives! He's worked incredibly hard on this site, and on the interview. Are you ready to meet him??? Here we go!!
Ready to meet him? Okay, heeeere's....
When did you first discover PR?
I first heard of PR when I saw a billboard ad for it and the X-Men animated series. My initial reaction was that it looked like crap. This sentiment was reinforced after watching part of "Day Of The Dumpster" that saturday morning back in 93 when it debuted. I thought it was ridiculous how they took obvious footage from a Japanese television show and spliced it with poorly shot American footage and I proceeded to go online and make fun of Power Rangers fans, bashing them on their own newsgroups, etc. It took a few months until I finally saw some of the Green Ranger mini series that I began to change my opinion. I started to reevaluate my anti-fandom and realized that not only was it wrong for me to put down fans for liking the show but it was also pretty damn entertaining. I guess you could say that my metamorphosis from Power Ranger basher to Power Ranger fan mirrored Tommy's transition from evil to good as he helped those he once harmed.
What inspired you to build a PR website?
I first began work on the PROA back in the summer of 1996. Power Rangers Zeo was midway through its airing run and as my inquiring mind sought out more information about the show's mythos I turned to online sources. At the time "THE" site was Manny Perez's Morphing Grid which I remember evolving from its infantile first real PR page status to the webpage giant that it would become. Another site emerging to prominence amidst all the "'My Name's' Power Rangers Page" mediocrity that flooded Geocities, AOL, and other popular webservers was Ray Calderon's "Power Rangers Zeo Homepage" (Now known as Power Rangers Central). This personally was my favorite website. Its images taken from sentai manuals, its author's creative and witty analysis of the show, its original design, among other things once captured my attention for a whole day as I used my then 2400 bps modem to load the whole site. These sites were great but none of them had the kind of information I was looking for, then I thought to myself "Hey, I'm a virtual encyclopedia on Power Rangers, why not try to put this knowledge to text and create my own page?"
If you could be a ranger, which one would you be? Why?
The Phantom Ranger. He's cool, mysterious, skilled, intelligent, compassionate, and Cassie has the hots for him.
Who would be on your "dream team"?
As far as I'm concerned the Power Rangers in Space team of Andros, Carlos, Ashley, Cassie, TJ, and Zhane can't be topped.
What keeps you interested in your site?
Quality episodes keep me interested in working on my site. When I see something imaginative on PR or something that expands its universe I like to work on my site to expand on these concepts. Basically the independant variable here is the quality of work put out by MMPR Productions.
What's your favorite PR genre? Why?
My favorite PR series would have to be Power Rangers In Space. After that I'd say Turbo. Space seemed to be the highest evolutionary step PR has taken, its plots and characterizations were deeper than any other PR series, and its production values were much higher than its predecessors. It's grand plot of all the past villains uniting to conquer the universe remembered the PR series' past while at the same time not sacrificing the future of the show. Sure it had its plotholes and problems but it was the best PR has done yet.
Do you have any other webpages?
I created Get Off Our Planet (http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/1054/) and Scott Page-Pagter's Vicious Circle (http://www-scf.usc.edu/~abhaumik/spp). Go order his album now!
What advice can you give to someone who wants to create a PR site?
Don't. Save yourself a headache. Seriously though I'd recommend that a prospective webmaster not set his/her goals to high and also not tread on somebody else's idea unless he/she can do a better job at it.
What, in your opinion, makes for a good site vs. an okay, or bad one?
Good site: one that makes me think of something that I might not have thought of before. Examples: The now closed "Elgar Is A Hottie" website with its fanatical worship of Elgar. Also the "Official Patricia Ja Lee Fan Club" where fans can read her answers to questions asked by fans. Both very enjoyable sites.
Bad site: "ALPAS ZEO/TUBRO GATEWAY" (the typos are part of the site's title). This site looked like a giant 300 lb monkey walked on to Angelfire.com, squatted, took a crap, and out came that site. Also any site that rips off pictures/information from others. If you aren't going to be original with your webpage, save yourself some time and don't even make one.
What's your fave part about making your site?
All the women who send in marriage proposals over it.
How long have you been making sites?
Since July 1996.
Do you have any other hobbies?
Singing, martial arts (all styles, primarily "internal" ones such as Dim Mak and Bagwazhang), playing video games, weightlifting.
How do you stay sane constantly updating and meeting the demands of visitors?
Well hehe I don't think I've been doing a very good job at staying sane. I feel that webmasters face periods of burnout especially when it's a large undertaking like the PROA. After a while something gets the creative juices flowing, normally new episodes, or seeing a cool idea on a non PR site.
In MMPR:TM, the rangers have animal spirits. What do you think yours would be, and why?
I'd say the White Bengal Tiger, which I derive my namesake from. White
Tigers are fierce, solitary predators both wise and strong. They are very
isolationist by nature and are the result of a recessive gene among Bengal
Tigers making them outcasts among all. Despite being outsiders they are
beautiful creatures much like how my enormous ego envisions myself.
"What immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?" -Blake
What's your favorite site, besides yours? :)
I'd still have to say Power Rangers Central after all these years.
What's your fave movie?
My favorite movie would be Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (1980). The dark future cyberpunk setting of the film has a great social commentary through its story of Replicants and Blade Runners hunting them down. The moral of the film that I get out of it is "I may not be a human being but I'm still a person."
What's the coolest experience of your life?
Thankfully I was too drunk to remember it.
Ha! A Jedi knows no fear!
Person you respect most?
The person I respect most would be Scott Page-Pagter, the greatest man on this Earth.
What do you look for in a friend?
Big breasts, big wallet, big heart, little brain.
What's the thing you hate most about being a website owner/maker?
All the idiots who think I'm Zordon, Tommy, or Lord Zedd and email me asking me for free stuff.
What's your favorite joke?
A young man took his lady out the other night. They got into bed together and started to do their thing. He couldn't get his dick hard so she said "Oo daddy do something quick! Stick your finger on up in there!" So he stuck his finger on up in there. She said "Oo daddy push just a lil bit mo up in there." He pushed just a little bit more up in there when all of a sudden she started yelling "Daddy your RING is hurting me!!" He said "That ain't my ring that's my WATCH bitch!"
What "big thing" do you want to accomplish?
What music do you like?
I listen to pretty much all genres except for Country and R&B. I love Rage Against The Machine, Spice 1, and strange as it sounds I've even been listening to Backstreet Boys lately. Political activist rock, gangsta rap, and boy band pop. Very eclectic wouldn't you say?
What's your favorite song?
"Eyes On Me" by Nobuo Uematsu and Faye Wong. (The Final Fantasy VIII themesong)
How would you describe yourself?
To quote an Austin Powers character: I'm dead sexy!
If you won the lottery today, what would you do with the money?
Give it all to charity and foreign relief efforts, NOT! I'd give my boss a Rock Bottom through his desk, and live my dream of being an itinerant street fighter traveling the world honing his skill.
Do you have a motto?
It doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down, what matters is how
many times you get back up.
Well, everybody, that's Amit! Gives a great interview, doesn't he? If you want to talk to him some more e-mail him. he'd love to talk to ya'. If you want to go to his site click Here. It'll take ya' right there! :)
So who's up next time? I guess you'll just have to wait and see! :)