Ripley's Believe It Or Not
Episode #1
First aired January, 2000 (Rated TV-PG)
Modern-Day Cannibals
The Aghoree tribe of India is one of the world's most feared. They survive by eating human flesh for daily sustenance.
Suspension Club
There is a club in Texas where young men with an unusual hobby like to hang out... literally! These guys say hanging from the rafters from meat hooks embedded in their skin is a "spiritual experience."
Half Girl
Rosemarie Siggins was only born with the top half of her body. But at 26, she's living a full life, recently got married and even gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Her "legs" are actually a beat up skateboard on which she whizzes around taking care of her household chores and errands.
Etch-A-Sketch Artist
George Vlosich is one of the most talked about artists in the country, with his masterpieces selling for as much as $3,000. And, believe it or not, he does it all on an ordinary Etch-A-Sketch.
Maggot Medicine
Maggots are the medical world's new "Dust Buster" in hospital operating rooms. Placing fly larvae on an infected wound not only cleans faster and better than any traditional treatment, but also speeds up the healing process.
Million-Volt Minister
Lightning never strikes twice in one spot, except for Dean Ortner, who has been struck hundreds of times. Ortner is a science teacher at Moody Bible Institute and he has a unique way of teaching his students. He allows himself to be hit with a one-million volt bolt of lightning.
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