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Ripley's Believe It Or Not

Episode #2

First aired January, 2000 (Rated PG-D)


Lizard Man

Erik Sprague is a graduate student in Philosophy whose thesis explores human behavior and what society deems normal. In order to put this thesis to the test, Erik is systematically altering his physical appearance to resemble that of a Lizard! With a "bodysuit" of tattooed green scales, a forked tongue, teeth sharpened to points, horned ridge implants above his eyebrows and fingernails ground into thick claws, Erik’s body has been radically transformed into a reptilian facade.

Cut Away Bungee

Ron Jones is an avid outdoorsman and bungee-jumping addict. In fact, he even bought a bridge in the middle of the Los Angeles National Forest just so he could have a place to practice the dangerous sport. Now, Ron has perfected the art of cut-away bungee jumping. From a platform suspended over two hundred feet in the air, Ron will jump feet first with a cut-away bungee cord attached to his shoulders. This special cord allows him to release from the bungee as soon as his feet hit the ground and then step away before the elastic cord yanks him back in the air. One wrong step could mean death in this unprecedented stunt.

Bionic Man

Tony Volpentest runs faster than 99% of the population, which in itself is amazing, but now consider the fact that Tony was born without hands or feet. Throught the miracle of modern science Tony has been equiped with 'Flex Fleet', a prosetic that does not hinder his desire to succeed.

Pumpkin Head

Few people have what it takes to change a life altering illness into a form of entertainment. Scott Sabala is one of those few. After losing his eye and the roof of his mouth to cancer, Scott is now performing in front of audiences with a number of tricks. One of his more popular tricks is putting a flashlight in his mouth and duplicating the effects of a jack-o-lantern.

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