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Ripley's Believe It Or Not

Episode #6

First aired February 16, 2000 (Rated TV-PG-V)


Clean Escape

What began as a drunken college ritual has escalated into a death defying passion for Rick Meisel. Now 41, Rick is the only man who can free himself from six pairs of handcuffs and two pairs of leg-irons while spinning around in a water-filled washing machine. After Rick squeezes himself into a front-loading washer, the machine is then turned on, and Rick must escape before drowning in the sudsy water or being knocked unconscious during the spin cycle. Once free, Rick opens the door and falls out on to the ground, emerging soapy but safe. Talk about a clean getaway!

Torture King

Inspired by Indian mystics and street performers, Tim Critland is a self-proclaimed Torture King – a man capable of withstanding more pain that 99% of the human population. To demonstrate his tolerance for pain, Critland shoots electricity through pins fastened in his chest, pours molten hot lead on his body, penetrates his muscles with skewers, eats broken glass and walks barefoot on a ladder of sharpened blades. Now, Critland will perform a feat that has never been attempted before – he will lay on a bed of nails while a Volkswagen bus drives over him!

Wonder Dog

Lots of dogs can do cool tricks like fetch, roll over, beg and play dead. But Chanda, an 8 lb. Poodle, has proven she’s almost human. Chanda can multiply, play the piano, identify colors, bowl, and bring a tissue when her master sneezes. She even goes to the bathroom in her own toilet! Believe it or not, Chanda can perform over 500 different tricks – more than any other dog in the world.

Gentle Giant

Robert Wadlow grew to be an amazing 8'11". At age 5 he was taller than his grandmother and in third grade he was over 6 ft. tall. He needed to sit in a desk that was specially made for him. He had a rare pituitary disorder that ultimately caused a strain on his body, and as he grew, his bones weakened. He died at age 22.

Scotland Yard's Secret Weapon

Plane crashes, terrorist attacks and horrifying crimes are hard enough to watch on the evening news, but imagine if you also saw them in your dreams – even before they happened! Chris Robinson’s dreams are so visionary and accurate that the highly regarded, once skeptical Scotland Yard has installed a direct telephone line right into his bedroom.

Snake Milker

Dr. Bill Haast is 86 years old and has been bitten 166 times by some of the world's deadliest snakes. Bill runs the Miami Serpertarium and is one of the pioneers of venom extraction. He collects deadly poisons from snakes so that scientists can create anti-venoms for people who’ve been bitten.

3 Crazy Houses

Gold Pyramid House
Wealthy businessman Jim Onan built his ultimate dream home in Wadsworth Illinois: a five floor pyramid made of gold. The home has 9 bathrooms and is 17,000 square feet. It even has a moat.
Skinny House
This home is located in Long Beach, CA and is the skinniest house in the world. It is 9 ft. wide and has 2 ft. wide door frames. Laurie, the current owner, couldn't even get her box spring through the doors on moving day.
Missile Silo Family
Edward and Dianna Peden live in an 18,000 sq. ft. refurbished, decommissioned Atlas-E missile site near Topeka Kansas. They purchased the Silo for $40,000 and created a spacious and comfortable home for themselves. They use meditation to take away the negative energy that was there previously when it housed the actual warhead.

PeeWee Picasso

Little George Pocheptsov does more than just finger painting. Since he was 17months old, he has been creating amazing works of art that have generated so much buzz, there are 193,000 people on the waiting list for his work. Now George is 7 years old, and his original artwork sells for $10,000 a piece!

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