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Ripley's Believe It Or Not

Episode #9

First aired March 9, 2000 (Rated TV-PG)


Roller Man

Roller Man French Industrial designer Jean Ives Bondeau looks like something from outer space when he dons the unique "roller" suit he created. The suit covers his entire body with over 30 wheels, transforming him into a human rollerball! A skating fanatic, Jean took his obsession to new levels of speed and maneuverability. Now, he can zoom through the subways of Paris, zipping down stairs and hugging sharp corners with ease. Believe it or not!

Sewer Diver

26-year-old Jason Smith has finally found a job that allows him to use his diving skills. But he’s not diving in the ocean – Jason dives into giant tanks of raw sewage or radioactive materials in order to make repairs. He must wear a large protective suit and helmet because of the high risk of disease in the murky, contaminated waters. And after over 2000 dives, Jason still enjoys every minute of it!

Toe Nail Diva

Kathy Hayes wears her toenails long. In fact, they are 4 7/8 inches long! It took her five years to grow her toenails to this length and she can only wear sandals. Kathy considers her toenails works of art and keeps them sculpted, painted and accessorized. A businesswoman by day, she must wear black stockings over her feet when at work. Believe it or not!

Leech Surgery

Respected surgeons around the world are now rediscovering the benefits of leeches. Leeches have the ability to consume five times their weight while feeding on blood. This makes them useful in reattachment surgeries and in helping patients with circulatory conditions. The leech consumes the pooling blood that is not flowing back to the heart. As an added benefit, leech saliva has an anti-coagulating property that keeps the host's blood flowing freely. See how a doctor saved the ear of a young boy with the use of leeches.

Biggest Little Train

Bill Williams Zaccagnino has such a passion for model trains that he built the world's largest HO-scale model railroad. He bought 16 acres of land and erected a 52,000 square foot building to house the railroad, which contains 8 miles of track, 400 bridges, 135 trains and more than 4,000 buildings. The electricity alone costs $5,000 a month!

Deep Diver

The first time former model Megan Greer tried to free dive, she went down 87 feet. Right then she knew that she had a natural ability to dive amazing depths without an oxygen tank. She can hold her breath under water for 4 minutes and 36 seconds, where the average woman can hold her breath for only 1 minute. Megan has gone deeper than any American woman diver and some day hopes to reach the depth of 200 feet.

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