This eternal flame is for you, Mark. I still miss you!

Mark Wallace
(Master William Blackfox)
28 October 1958 - 12 September 1997

Mark was an avid cartoonist and writer I had met through the Rowrbrazzle APA.
He was also highly active in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA),
where he was known as William Blackfox (cleverly bridging his two interests).
His talent was remarkable. The attention to detail in his artwork
(anthropomorphic characters in renaissance costumes)
was enough to trigger envy in many cartoonists...including me.
Both the SCA and furry fandom have suffered a great loss.
Farewell, friend, and may the Goddess hold you in the palm of Her hand.

To honor his memory, the Society for Creative Anachronism
has established the William Blackfox Awards.

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