Technology is fun!

The first one's free...

Here is where you will find entertaining links to even more entertaining technology, including pirate and web-based radio, webpage mutators, media detournment, and other mischief.
Remember: "Imagination is intelligence at play!"

(Links last checked on 19 October 2000)

Fomerly known as "Radio Crow"

An excellent on-line directory of radio and television webcasters, both web-only and broadcast, categorized by format.
A one-man, Internet-based radio station, net-casting in stereo?
Welcome to the future!
Yes, believe it or not. With the RIAA/CARP problems, there are now two new technologies that allow untracable webcasting!
One is Streamer, and the other is PeerCast. Both "peer-to-peer" systems that operate like file-sharing programs.
Just's all fun and games until someone gets caught!
(Yes, that's how it's spelled!)
The official website of Dan Hess; cartoonist, animator, artist, musician, game designer, and creator of the on-line comic strip/cartoon, Rebus: Heroes For Hire.
Note: To enjoy the bulk of the website, you'll need Shockwave.
Free Radio Network
Click the banner and find out!
Also visit Radio For All.
WNJL - Florence, New Jersey (Fomerly at 99.7 FM) "The Breeze"
Originaly an unlicensed smooth-jazz station with a mighty single watt (1w) transmitter, they're now web-casting soft jazz 24 hours a day via their server in Germany.
Mountain Community Radio and TV Networks
A network of two "Part-15" FM stations with repaerets in Evergreen, Conifer and Marshdale, Colorado. One broadcasts classic rock, the other one broadcasts Country music. They also opertate a Very Low Power TV station on channel 11 and cover about all of Evergreen's downtown area (One of the advantages of living in a small town).
KZND - Anchorage, Alaska (TV 6 / 87.7 FM) "The End"
Question: When is a radio station not a radio station?
Answer: When it has a television license.

KZND-LP is a completely legal and fully licensed low-power TELEVISION station on VHF channel 6 in Anchorage, Alaska. In the USA, this means they have an audio carrier at 87.7 FM, which can be picked up on newer FM radios. So, the station broadcasts live DJ's playing recordings, that, coincidentially, can be heard on FM radios, in stereo.
Talk about your legal loopholes!
Zippy Meets Meta-HTML and
Yow! Mutate your favorite websites...even your own!
Survival Research Laboratories
No, this isn't a bomb shelter company or a disaster equipment supplier, but the website of Mark Pauline's technological art project, and he really does build robots that attack each other violently, complete with fire and explosions. If you haven't seen or read about Pauline's projects/events and their incredibly verbose titles (such as "The Unexpected Destruction of Elaborately Engineered Artifacts: A Misguided Adventure In Risk Eradication, Happening Without Known Cause, In Connection With Events That Are Not Necessarily Related" [sic]), you must check out this site and witness the photos and videos.
You'll have to agree that if Mark Pauline ever bores you, it will probably be with a drill!

Goofy's Collection
Remember all that stuff you threw away or busted up as a kid, or maybe saw at your grandparents' home, and now see in antique stores or web auction sites, fetching very high prices, or maybe even in museums?
Makes you feel old, doesn't it?
(He must have spies lurking in garage sales all over the world!)

And if you like Goofy's Collection, try...
The Secret Fun Spot

A salute to tourist traps, all sotrs of pop culture items that any Red-Blooded American (Or Canadian) boy or girl who grew up in the 1960's and 1970's will remember.
There is also a tribute to Marvin Glass, the designer of such toys as Toss Across, Mr. Machine, Ants In the Pants, Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots, Gnip Gnop, Hands Down, Lite Brite, Mystery Date, Operation, Stay Alive, Time Bomb and Mouse Trap!
Read about renagade Canadian audio artist John Oswald, the media manipulator who is changing both how we hear music, and the concept of "fair use".

And while you're at it, pay a visit to: Negativworldwidewebland; The official website of Negativland. They coined the phrase "culture jamming", and they live it!
But to get a taste of the whole concept behind Negativland's "fair use" audio-collages and Oswald's plunderphonics, watch a RealPlayer driven segment from Craig Baldwin's documentary Sonic Outlaws, and then a bit about the whole mess over Negativland's unauthorized cover version of U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For with the sampled voice of Casey Kasem going into a profane tirade.
Courtesy of Free Speech Web Video Project. (Hi, Joey!)
(In case I have't said so already, you will need RealPlayer that you can download for free.)
You can also hear the Negaltivland/U2 recordings in question from Negativland's site as well as hear the Casey Kasem out-takes on the Official Don & Mike Homepage.
UPDATE: Don & Mike's website is presently unavailable. Does anyone know where the Casey Kasem rants are?

Copyright violation you can dance to!

Also known as "mash-up's", this is the latest phenomenon to hit the internet. Using off-the-shelf and shareware programs, budding music engineers are seperating vocals and music from pop recordings, and superimposing them in esoteric ways. Check out these websites for some facinating re-workings of pop tunes.

Links last checked 5 November 2004.


Radio Caroline

The offshore radio legend. "Europe's Voice of Loving Awareness".
"Beat Radio 97.7" - Minneapolis, Minnesota
The (currently silent) micro-caster that is having it out with the FCC.
"Steal This Radio" (88.7 FM) - New York City, New York
A microcaster in NYC's Lower East Side. The name was taken from Abbie Hoffman's classic work Steal This Book.
You can also read an article on the station.
Radio First Termer (Formerly at 69 FM) - Republic of Vietnam
Archived audio files of the near-legendary 1960's-1970's era pirate FM station (using a 2-way radio frequency) that entertained US military troops stationed in South Vietnam. (God bless you Dave Rabbit, wherever you are!)
Free Radio Berkeley (104.1 FM) - Berkeley, California
The (presently silent) micro-power station that is giving the FCC a legal challenge.
Radio 101 International
A long-running free radio station operating throughout Western Europe.
WFMU (91.1 FM) - Jersey City, New Jersey
[Translator: WXHD (90.1 FM) Mount Hope, New York]
A fully licensed, and outstanding, free-form radio station, just a stone's throw from New York City in the urban wilds of New Jersey, with a repeater in Hudson Valley that reaches western Pennsylvania. (Yes, they webcast!)
The World's Earliest Television Recordings - Restored!
Way back in the late 1920's and into the 1930's, there was something called "mechanical television", the work of Scottish inventor John Logie Baird, that used scanner discs and a red gas tube to project 30-line vertical-bias images.
There were early versions of video recorders (for those who could afford them) that used wax and aluminum phonograph discs to record the visuals. But since mechanical television had been abandoned as a broadcasting system, it was thought these images would never be seen again...until now!
This site, maintained by computer programmer and technological historian Donald F. McLean (who started the restoration project on his own time and with his own money), features information on the Baird television system, computerized restoration of the rare analogue video recordings and reports on new recordings using the antique mechanical broadcasting system. An incredible look at a technology that was almost lost forever, and images frozen in time for close to 80 years.
Short clips from some of these video recordings can be seen on this website. Retro-tech heads will have a field day with this.
And like Mr. Baird, Mr. McLean is Scottish.
Andre the Giant Has A Posse!

Shepard Fairey's "phenomenology" art project, involving posters, stencils, stickers, t-shirts, etc.
Don't ask. Just visit the website and bask in all it's glory.
In case you're wondering, the "Official Andre the Giant Website" (run by his estate) is here.

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