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  Tales Of Star Crossed Lovers

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"Why are we so moved by love that ends in separation?"

-The Rage:Carrie 2-

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This Page is dedicated to my favorite couples onscreen.[in other words,in a film or tv show].For now,I only manage to find these ,and soon I'll be adding more.If you would like to add something on this page,don't hesitate to email me or write in the guestbook.Thank you for your support,

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   Jesse Ryan And Rachel Lang

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From : The Movie "The Rage:Carrie 2"

Played By : Jason London and Emily Bergl

These two are so far, my favorite couple ever.Both were different, as Jesse was a jock,rich and popular while Rachel was a social outcast and the complete opposite of Jesse.But they, together were disapproved by Jesse's 'friends' especially Tracy,[the popular cheerleader who had a crush on him] and Mark.So they did a trick on Rachel which took their lives and Rachel's.Jesse found out and was there when Rachel died.A year later,he was still having nightmares and he couldn't seem to get over the fact that she's gone and never coming back.Sheeeshhh...why can't they have a happy ending?Tragedies just makes me cry..:)

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                     Jesse Ryan

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Rachel Lang

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*images taken from the official Carrie 2 site*

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  Dawson Leery And Joey Potter

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From : The TV Show Dawson's Creek

Played by : James Van Der Beek and Katie Holmes

These two have been friends since they were kids.Now they've realised they wanted to be more than friends.They had a fling once,but then Joey dumped Dawson for she wasn't ready and was afraid it would ruin their friendship.Lets hope they'd be together again soon.

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Dawson And Joey

*thanks to Tim for the images*

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     Romeo Montague And     Juliet Capulet

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From : The movie William Shakespear's                   Romeo+Juliet

Played by : Leonardo DiCaprio And Claire Danes

Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.Two excellent actors playing the two most famous lovers.You can almost feel their chemistry and heat between the two .As I quote Ryan Gilbey from Premiere magazine[April 1997 edition],"There is real resonance and a sublime peace in their scenes together-a sweet counterpoint to the chaos of the rest of the film"

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Romeo And Juliet at the Capulet's party.

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