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The Rage:Carrie 2

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Director:Katt Shea

Casts:Emily Bergl[Rachel Lang]

Jason London[Jesse Ryan]

Amy Irving[Sue Snell]

Dylan Bruno[Mark Bing]

Charlotte Ayanna[Tracy Campbell]

A Fan's Review

Not many words can describe this masterpiece. Not exaggerating... this has to be my absolute favorite movie of all time. All I have to say is anyone that doesn't like this movie must be pretty tasteless. This is not only a very cool gore-fest at the end... Throughout the movie, there's a tear-jerking, sad, greatly written plot throughout the movie. I found myself seeing this movie for my second time in the theater crying at numerous parts of the movie. This movie makes you feel more for it than Titanic. So if you aren't a big fan of horror movies, trust me... see this movie for the story... it's worth it... well, there's no more words to describe the greatest movie of all time

My Own Review

  The review above had certainly spoken what I had in mind when I , myself saw this marvelous movie. Never had a movie touched me as this one had. I’ve never felt such empathy to a character before as I have felt towards Rachel Lang and Jesse Ryan.Maybe because I can relate to Rachel as I had been through tough times too,once.And Jesse?It must be very hard NOT to fall for this charming,sensitive,handsome jock.Both actors and the rest of the casts too,have done a brilliant job for the acting,passionate and lively.To me, the most emotional part in this movie must have been when Rachel’s mother rejected her on the time when she needed her most. That scene certainly had me in tears as Rachel felt rejected and prayed for her death. But she must have died happily as she discovers someone does love her after all.It's like Romeo and Juliet in a horror version. Now I’m not going to spoil this for you,so you had better catch this movie. Really,it’s good!I would give this movie an eight and a half out of ten. For this movie stands out from all the other typical teen slashing horror movies.

jessenrachel.jpg (6668 bytes)Jesse and Rachel

Click here to read an interview with Emily Bergl

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