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This is an award I received from a DreamGirl sister~Dana. Go see her beautiful page. It is great! Thank you Dana....the award is beautiful and very much appreciated.

Look what I received for Valentine's Day-'99 from my DreamGirl sister~Teresa. Thank you so much Teresa..I think it is beautiful.

Marianne sent this to all of the DreamGirlz for Valentine's Day '99. Thank you is simply wonderful.

I received this in Feb.'99 from Teresa who did a Eric Clapton "Name That Tune" game. I got all of the songs right. Yippeee!! Thank you Teresa...this award is GREAT!!

This was a gift from my Bestest Buddy in Texas....Chickie Babe Betty...for my '99 BD Gift. Thank yu gf. I just LOVE IT.

THis is my '99 BD card and my '99 BD Cake from all of my DG Club friends. Help yourself to a piece of cake. "S" And it's FAT FREE!! lol. Thanx girlz.


