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The Potter Fanatic

Well, as most stories do, this one happens to have characters.
I shall be naming all the characters and giving some history
about them and who they are. They're in order from last name
- that's if I know the last name, if not, it's by first.

Ludo Bagman He was tried for giving information to Lord
Voldemort. He was found innocent though. He was a great
Quidditch player- but ended that career and now works for the
ministry of magic. Ludo has a bit of a gambling problem though,
he’s in a bit of a spot with the goblins.

Sirius Black One of James and Lily Potters best friends. He was
believed to betray the Potters and lead Voldemort to their hiding
place the night they were killed. Sirus was sent to Azkaban and
later escaped. Harry feared because he was thought to try and
kill Harry. But as it turns out- he didn’t. He’s Harry’s godfather
and does his best to be a father while on the run. He is an Animagus
and can take the form of a dog- also known as Padfoot. This helps
him to disguise himself. Dumbledore also helps to hide him-
because he trusts him. Sirus is still on the run from the Ministry
of Magic with his companion Buckbeak.

Cho Chang A Ravenclaw that’s a year older than Harry. She’s
the Ravenclaw’s Seeker- that’s how Harry first met her. During
her 5th year at Hogwarts Cedric Diggory and Cho were a couple.
Well- until he died.

Penelope Clearwater Percy Weasley’s girlfriend from Hogwarts.
In book 2 she was turned to stone by the basilisk.

Colin Creevey A boy that loves to take pictures of Harry. Harry
disliked getting his picture taken a lot but Lockhart thought
Harry liked the publicity. Colin was also attacked by the basilisk-
but he wasn’t killed either. He has a younger brother that came
to Hogwarts as well.

Mr. Barty Crouch Mr. Crouch is the head at the Ministry of Magic.
He used to fight against the Death Eaters but the way he did it
almost made him as bad as them. He would do anything to keep his
reputation clean- send his son to prison or dismiss his faithful
house elf for getting out of a tent when a mob was coming. Percy
absolutely adores him for the way he does everything within the

Barty Crouch Named after his father, this young man was sent
to Azkaban in his late teens for helping Voldemort. But he was
rescued by his father and he and his mother switched places. He
lived under an invisible cloak for a long time- helped out by
Winky. Then he found Harry’s wand and broke free from his fathers
spell. He later killed his father and stole Mad Eye Moody’s form
by using a potion. He was a faithful servant to Voldemort until
Fudge let the Dementors in and they delivered “The Last Kiss”
killing him.

Crabbe and Goyle these are Draco Malfoy’s goons. They aren’t
too bright. And we know very little about them- except that their
families also are Death Eaters.

Cedric Diggory Cedric was the Hufflepuff Seeker. He also was
a contestant in the Triwizard Tournament. Sadly he was killed
when Harry and himself touched the Portkey and were transported
to Lord Voldemorts old home.

Dobby Dobby was the Malfoy’s sad little house elf that came to
warn Harry not to return to Hogwarts his second year. Harry went
anyway and Dobby kept trying to “help” Harry. This only resulted
in him breaking his arm and clumsy Lockhart removed the bones in
his arm. When Lucius gave Dobby a sock, this resulted in his
freedom because if a house elf is given a clothing item that means
they are free. In the fourth book Dobby returns and is no
working at Hogwarts sporting his strange assortment of socks.

Professor Albus Dumbledore Dumbledore is currently the
Headmaster at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
He is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard
Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of
dragon’s blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner Nicolas
Flamel. Albus knew Harry’s father and helps Harry to understand
everything that has happened to him. He also helped fight
Voldemort and was the one person who they believed could stand
up to him. And the only one Voldemort was frightened of. He is a
very understanding and forgiving man. I think this is shown through
his unusual choice of staff. He also enjoys chamber music
and tenpin bowling.

Dudley Dursley He is Harry’s terribly fat cousin. His mother
fusses over him and thinks he’s the most wonderful boy in the
world. Dudley constantly tortured Harry until he gave him a
curly pigtail. From then on he was always wary of Harry. Even
Fred and George Weasley joined in on torturing him.

Petunia and Vernon Dursley they are Harry’s only
living blood relatives, and they wish they weren’t. A proud
“normal” family. They are very ashamed of Harry and treat him
horribly. Mr. Dursley is the beefy director of a firm called
Grunnings, which makes drills. Mrs. Dursley was a thin
blonde woman who loves to snoop and gossip about the neighbors.
Dudley is there spoiled son who loves to torture Harry.

Aunt Marge Dursley Harry’s Uncles awful bulky sister who loves
to correct Harry’s faults. Her rudeness to Harry caused him to
break Ministry rules and use magic outside of Hogwarts. With her
memory fixed, she returned home to her many bulldogs.

Seamus Finnigan A friend of Harry’s who enjoys Quidditch.
He’s half Muggle half wizard. His mother is a witch but didn’t tell
her husband until after they were married.

Justin Finch-Fletchley In the second book he was turned to
stone by the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. He thought Harry
was out to get him because he let it slip that his family
wasn’t “pure” but Harry never intended to hurt anyone.

Cornelius Fudge Minister of Magic- he seems to pop up in the
later books. It’s his decesion whether to help fight Voldemort
now or wait until the dementors turn against the Ministry.

Hermione Granger Hermione is also a very close friend of Harry.
Hermione wasn’t born a wizard, leaves her open to being called
names by those who think “Mudbloods” (A person not of wizarding
blood) shouldn’t be wizards at all. She is very intelligent and
sometimes to tackle too much work, as we see in Harry Potter
and the Prisoner of Azkaban
. In Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire
Viktor Krum seems to have taken a liking to
her, although she claims his visits to the library were very

Rubeus Hagrid Hagrid is the big friendly half giant that
rescued Harry from the wreckage the night his parents were
killed. Harry and Hagrid are good friends and Harry has even
helped to get him out of a few jams. Hagrid has a love for
big, scary, and dangerous animals. He’s always wanted a dragon,
and when he finally got one the results were disastrous. After
being expelled from Hogwarts Dumbledore let him stay and become
the gamekeeper. Now he’s the teacher for Care of Magical Creatures
and resides in his hut by the Forbidden forest with his
large dog Fang.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longbottom the Longbottoms used to be very
popular, but sadly things turned out terribly. Frank Longbottom
was an Auror and tried for subjecting the Cruciatus Curse. Both
of them were tortured for information about Voldemort and driven
insane. They now reside in St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical
Maladies and Injuries.

Professor Gilderoy Lockhart A charming replacement to Quirrell-
but he was a bit too arrogant. Author of many books of his own
heroism, people were quite taken with him. But as it turns out,
he used a memory charm on people and stole their tales and used
them as his own. As he tried to perform a memory charm on Harry
with Ron’s broken wand- it backfired and he lost his memory.

Neville Longbottom Neville is a forgetful boy with very little
magical talent. He always loses his frog Trevor, but he manages
to find him again. Neville tries very hard but he always manages
to fluster spells up. But he does have a little talent with
Herbology. He lives with his grandmother, because his parents
were tortured for information about Voldemorts’ whereabouts and
were driven insane. Neville visits them on the holidays, but they
do not remember him.

Profesor Remus Lupin The next teacher to take the Defense
Against the Dark Arts job. A plain looking teacher- whom
disappeared every month for a few days. A werewolf bit him
and he himself turned
into one. Harry’s favorite Dark Art’s teacher- but he resigned

Draco Malfoy Draco is a very rude, and prejudice boy. His family
has all been in Slytherin (The house where almost every wizard
turned to the Dark Arts.) He loves to pick on Harry- ever since
they met. He usually stays with his Slytherin goons Crabbe and
Goyle. As we learn in the fourth book, his family practices the
Dark Arts, but I think we could guess that from the others. Draco
likes Quidditch as well, and makes some competition on the field-
not because he’s that good, but because he had his father buy the
team brand new brooms.

Lucius Malfoy Draco’s father, and practices the Dark Arts. He’s
a Death Eater, and he serves Lord Voldemort. He like his son is
very prejudice against families that aren’t purely magical.

Mad-Eye Moody He was supposed to take the job for Harry’s
fourth year. But as we know Barty Crouch took his place with
the Polyjuice potion. So we never really got to know much about
him. Except that he was an Auror and very paranoid. He made all
his own food and drank only from the flask on his side.

Pansy Parkinson “A Slytherin girl with a face like a pug.” She
seems to like Draco Malfoy and will take any chance to be rude to

Peter Pettigrew Peter is an Animagus too. He was known as
Scabbers- Ron’s pet lazy rat. James, Remus, Sirus were all
friends while attending Hogwarts. But Peter betrayed James and
Lily, which lead to their deaths. He was thought to be dead- but
he only hid. He later escaped and went in search of Voldemort and
helped him back to power in book four.

Harry Potter Harry is the main character in the series.
After Lord Voldemort killed his parents (And attempted
to kill Harry, but his curse didn’t work and was the fall
of Voldemort) he had to live with his horrid Muggle aunt,
uncle and cousin Dudley. (Mr. and Mrs. Dursley). Being the
only person to survive the Avada Kedavra curse, as well as
Lord Voldemort made him very famous in the wizarding world.
The curse left him with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead,
which makes him easy to recognize. Ron Weasley and Hermione
are his two closest friends he met in his Gryffindor house
and they often help on his adventures. Harry has also seemed
to have a crush on Cho Chang in the last few books. Maybe
something will come of it.

James and Lily Potter Harry’s parents. Both killed by Lord
Voldemort by reasons unknown. James was an Animagus as well,
he could take the form of a stag and his friends who knew called
him Prongs. Voldemort killed James first, and Lily stayed behind
to protect Harry and it was her love that saved him.

Ernie Prang driver of the ‘Knight Bus’. He doesn’t seem to chat
much- nor know how to handle a steering wheel properly.

Professor Quirrell He was the first Defense Against the Dark
Arts teacher Harry had. He always wore a turban on his head. It
turns out he was host to the remains of Lord Voldemort, and was
carrying out his orders. He was killed shortly after trying to
steal the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Tom Riddle Also known as Lord Voldemort, Tom Riddle has done
some terrible things. His mother was a witch, and when his father
found out he left his mother. She died while giving birth
to him. Tom vowed to find his father who was his namesake, which he
eventually did and murdered him. Riddle attended Hogwarts, and is the
heir of Slytherin who opened the Chamber of Secrets. He along with
Harry are probably the only parselmouths left. Some of Riddles
powers were given to Harry when he tried to kill him as a child.
When he tried to kill Harry he lost all his powers and was reduced
to nothing. Harrys' mothers self sacrifice saved him. After his defeat
he possessed Professor Quirrell, and then he hid for a while
gathering strength until Wormtail found him. Now he has a body and
his followers have shown themselves again. So Voldemort is back.

Stan Shunpike a pimply conductor on the ‘Knight Bus’ who likes
to gossip about current events. He couldn’t be much older than

Dean Thomas Dean is a fellow Gryffindor who happens to like
soccer. He keeps a poster of a soccer player above his bed.

Tom ______ owner of the Leaky Cauldron. He made sure to take
care of Harry during his stay there when Black was supposedly out
to kill him.

Ron Weasley One of Harry’s closest friends, Ron is also an
important character. He’s many siblings include Ginny, Fred,
George, Percy, Charlie and Bill. Rons’ entire red headed family
is almost a second one to Harry. He often goes to their Burrow
during the summer to escape the wretched Dursleys. Ron is
embarrassed of their lack of money and sometimes jealous of
Harry’s fame. He, like Harry, happens to love Quidditch and he
hopes to be world famous Quidditch player someday.

Mr. Arthur Weasley and Mrs. Molly Weasley they are the parents
of the wonderful family that let’s Harry stay with them during
the summer. Their house is the burrow, a tall house that looks
like it’s being kept together with magic. Mr. Weasley works for
the Ministry of Magic. He’s very fascinated with Muggles and what
they make.

Bill Weasley Bill is another older brother. He works at
Gringotts (A goblin bank), and he has been a Head Boy when he
attended Hogwarts. But he wasn’t fussy at all; he has long hair
and an earring with a fang dangling from it. Mrs. Weasley isn’t
too fond of it though.

Charlie Weasley Charlie Weasley is also Rons’ older brother.
He works in Romania with dragons. He was also captain of the
Quidditch team when he was at Hogwarts. Charlie took Hagrid’s
dragon when Norbert became out of control. He also helped with
the dragons for the Triwizard Tournament.

Fred and George Weasley they’re Rons’ twin older brothers.
They love to play pranks and goof around. They’re going to
start a joke shop someday. Both are the Gryffindors Quidditch
teams Bludgers.

Ginny Weasley Ginny is Rons’ younger sister. She’s also a
Gryffindor. Voldemort used Ginny to get around the school through
his old diary. He finally led her down into the Chamber of
Secrets and drained the life out of her. But Harry saved her
(Whom she’s had a crush on). She can’t help but turn red
whenever she sees him.

Percy Weasley Percy is Rons’ older brother who was a Prefect
when he first came to Hogwarts. He doesn’t like to do anything
outside the rules, and doesn’t seem to like jokes. He now works
for the Ministry of Magic. He absolutely adored Mr. Crouch, and
even held his place while he was “ill”. Since Mr. Crouch is gone
maybe he’ll get a promotion…

Winky Winky was Mr. Crouch’s house elf until she was found in
the forest under the Dark Mark that was sent into the air during
the International Quidditch tournament. She was very devoted to
the Crouch’s, she was depressed after she was dissmissed.