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The Potter Fanatic

Magical creatures are found throughout Hogwarts and
the Forbidden Forest. Here’s a bunch of them that
you should know about.

Basilisk A snake, also known as the King of Serpents. They
can reach gigantic size and live hundreds of years. It’s
born from a chicken egg and hatched beneath a toad. Its gaze
can kill you, but if it’s intercepted by something like water
or a mirror, then it only turns you to stone, which can be
reversed. Spiders flee before it, for it’s their mortal enemy.
And the only thing the Basilisk flees before is the crow of the
rooster, which is fatal to it.

Blast Ended Skrewts One creature Hagrid brought for his
Care of Magical Creatures class. These proved to be a challenge.
These awkward animals emit “blasts” from their ends, (or what
they assume to be their ends, they have no facial features to
make the other end the rear.) It was hard to find what they liked
to eat (besides each other.) They grew extremely large. They look
like deformed, shell-less lobsters, very pale and slimy looking.
Strangely they have legs sticking out in unusual places. Not too
pleasant, they smell of rotting fish.

Boggartsthese are like shapeshifters. Usually found in
dark, enclosed places. No one knows what a boggarts true shape
is. They take the form of what they believe scares us the most.
Best to be with company when dealing with a boggart- they can
become confused and not know what to turn into. If you come upon
a boggart, add some comedy to it and make it appear less frightening.
They can be taken care of with a simple spell.

Centaurs Half man, half horse they’re mystical beings. They
don’t like to associate with most wizarding folk, but they can
make exceptions. They usually talk in riddles and foresee the
future by watching the stars.

Dementors these awful creatures infest filthy and dark places,
and when one comes in contact with them they drain all your
happy memories and feelings out of you. If you’re around one
long enough you can turn into something like it. They’re used to
control the prisoners of Azkaban, if someone is terrible enough
they’ll use “the last kiss” and it kills the person. Dementors
have no facial features, they were long hooded robes and have a
dead, scaly green hand.

Dragons self explanitory, the winged large lizard like creatures.
There are many different types. They happen to be Hagrids favorite,
but they’re outlawed in the wizarding world so Hagrid can’t keep
one as a pet.

Flobberworms these slimy little critters were part of Hagrids Care of Magical
Creatures. We dunno much about them, except they die if you overfeed

Fluffy Fluffy is Hagrid’s three-headed dog. Fluffy was used to
guard the trapdoor leading to the Sorcerer’s Stone. The only way
to get past this beast is to lull him with a musical tune.

Ghosts these are like the ones we grew up hearing scary stories
about. But most of the Hogwarts ghosts are rather friendly.
They don’t eat, and they celebrate their owns death. Go figure.

Grindylow a sickly green critter with sharp little horns with long
spindly fingers. That's it's weak point- they're strong but brittle.
They live in the water, usually in the weeds.

Giants this group of people is feared by most wizarding folk.
They're believed to be dangerous and ruthless. But we know
this isn't entirely true- Hagrid is a half giant and very
friendly. Even though he doesn't appear to be so. Giants are
supposed to be hiding in the Northern Mountains of England.
Dumbledore wants to contact them before they side with Voldemort.

Hinkypunk a one legged creature that appears to be made out of
wisps of smoke. As harmless as it seems, it lures travelers into
bogs with it’s lights and I imagine attacks them.

Hippogriffsthey have the bodies, hind legs and tails of horses.
But the front legs, wing and heads resembled that of an eagle.
They have steel colored beaks and large orange eyes. Their talons
are especially dangerous, being a half a foot long. Hippogriffs
are easily offended (Because they’re overly proud.) don’t ever
insult one- that would be a terrible mistake. When trying to pet
one, you let it make the first move. You bow and wait, if it bows
then you can pet it- if not get away promptly.

House ElvesStrange willing creatures that do your bidding.
They usually keep out of sight (Sign of a good house elf.)
But when you sneak into the Hogwarts kitchen they’re everywhere!
If an elf is to be freed by their master, they are given a
clothing item and from then on they are free.

Kappas Creepy water dwelling creatures that look like
scaly monkeys, with webbed hands that eagerly strangle
blundering people who wade into ponds.

Mermaids the mer folk live in the lake below the school. They
can only be understood underwater. If they speak above the water
it sounds like an awful wailing.

Monster booksA strange shipment to a Diagon Alley shop. They
are violent creatures that look like books with eyes and claws.
Not very friendly- they even attack each other. The only way to
open them is gently stroke the spine of the book.

Nifflers a fluffy black creature with a long snout and flat
spadelike feet. They like sparkly stuff and are useful treasure

Phoenix Fawkes is the only phoenix in the Harry Potter books.
Their tears heal wounds, even the most deadly ones. When you
grab onto their tails you become Very light and they’re able to
carry you. Phoenix’s rise from their own ashes. They molt, burn up
and are reborn again. Lovely creatures.

Rats the rats in the wizarding world can change colors
and can skip! Most of them have magical powers.

Red Capsgoblinlike creatures that dwell wherever there
has been bloodshed. Like dungeons of castles and potholes of
deserted battlefields, waiting to attack unknowing wanderers.

Sphinx These puzzling creatures love to twist your brain
around. With the head of a woman and the body of a lion
Sphinxes are a tough advisary. If you don't answer their
riddles correctly they'll attack!

Trolls incredibly stupid creatures (as well as ugly) who stand
about tweleve feet tall and are usually pretty violent.

Unicorns Beautiful creatures that can be found in the
Forbidden Forest. Their silvery blood can strengthen (That’s
what kept Voldemort alive.) Grown unicorns prefer a woman’s
touch, but when they’re young they don’t mind men as much.
Foals are pure gold when they’re younger, a lot easier to spot
than the adults. When they’re about two they turn silver, and
they grow horns around 4. They don’t turn white until they’re
full-grown, probably around the age of seven.

Veela They appear to be beautiful woman. Their effect on
men is terrible, they go head over heels and want to show off.
When aggravated they can turn hostile and not at all pretty.
The men should remember that.