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The Potter Fanatic

Well, as I was cleaning out my Favorites the other day
I found quite a few Harry Potter related articles. I thought
I'd post any interesting news and articles in here for your
enjoyment. I've noticed other sites give you updates about the
movie, what's going on in Miss Rowling's life, etc. But, I
figure those sites have to get the info from somewhere, most
likely stealing it from other sites. (Because I HIGHLY doubt
that they went out and got the scoop themselves.) So I figure
I might as well let you read it from the people who DO go out
and get it themselves, rather than claim it for my own.
So, enjoy!

Rowling: Revealing Book Title Not a Mistake

Entertainment Death shadows Harry Potter

J. K. Rowling and the Harry Potter Series.

Harry Potter Comes to Aid of Charity

World's Largest Book Fair Thanks Harry Potter

Warner Brothers Plays 'El Cheapo' With Harry Potter Flick

'Harry Potter' Spin-Offs Raise Funds

Conjuring up 'Potter' No. 5 may take time

Harry Potter to Be Released in China

Library Stops Harry Potter Gimmick

Your Chance to Meet J.K. Rowling

Paper: Brit Teenager to Play Potter

Big Screen 'Harry Potter' Named

Spielberg Opts Out Of Harry Potter Project

Harry Potter Contest Rules Changed

What to Read After Harry Potter

Harry Potter fans detect devilish discrepancy