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The Potter Fanatic's Survey


I want to know what all you Harry Potter fans think!

When you've completed the survey just click the 'Submit'
button, but try not to hit the enter key because that
could result in the eary submission of your survey when
it’s not ready.


What's your name?:

What's your e-mail address?:

Which is your favorite Harry Potter book?:

Who is your favorite character?:

Have you read the fourth book yet?:

If you were going to Hogwarts what pet would you bring?:

Do you think Ron will grow up to be a famous Quidditch player?:

Think Voldemort will become really powerful again?:

Do you think Cho Chang has a crush on Harry?:

What house would you be in if you attended Hogwarts?:

What do you think will happen to the Malfoy's
in the end?:

Think Professor Snape will ever like Harry?:

Think Harry will become an Animagus?:


Anything you want to add?