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The Potter Fanatic

Okay, I lied.
PF will stay
here and not
be updated. I
have lost all
interest in
making a HP web-
site. It's so
irritating to
receive e-mails
from 12 year
olds who think
Sirius is hot.
Or that Cho
is SO devasted
by Cedrics death.
The rumors, movie-
all of it is
stupid. I only
made the site
because of the
books. Some really
stupid people
who only read
the book because
it's a fad, ruined
it for me. And
the fact Rowling
practically sold
out her book ruined
it too. It's going
a little far when
they make pj's for
something that
should only be
a book. AgH! Do
some of you people
realize how pathetic
you are? "harry &
hermione are gonna
get married!! I LOVE
Well, so long. As I
stated before, PF
will not move to
and will not be
updated. Enjoy.