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ABC's For Life!

                  A lways know that YOU are special!
                  B efore you give up, try one more time.
                  C an- You do it?- Yes, You can!
                  D o your best and feel good about it.
                  E xpect a wonderful and exciting day!
                  F inishing what you start is a great thing to do.
                  G iving, sharing and playing fair.
                  H elping someone else makes you feel good.
                  I magination-You have a great one-Use it!
                  J ust because you've never done it, don't be afraid to try it.
                  K now that you are loved.
                  L augh-It makes you happy!
                  M istakes-It's okay to make them, if you learn from them.
                  N ew ways of doing things can be fun!
                  O ffering to do something extra is extra special of you!
                  P erfectly wonderful-That's YOU!!
                  Questions-Be sure to ask them
                  R ead and learn all you can.
                  S how others how much you like them.
                  T alk to someone about your feelings.
                  U nderstand?-If you don't, tell someone.
                  V ote "No" if you dont think it's right.
                 W ear your beautiful smile!!
                  X tra hugs and kisses to you!!
                  Y OU are Important!!
                  Z illions of ways a lovable person like you can
                                have a great day!