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The Seven Gates Daily

News reporting with a twist, some is serious and some is gist.

Some is new and some is old, but none of this will leave you cold.

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Albert Schweitzer:
"Reference for Life"

By Albert Einstein
Everything should be as simple as possible -- but not simpler.


Passive resistance, simplicity and service


Raplph Waldo Emerson:
So of cheerfulness and good temper..the more is spend the more it remains

Willy wonka:
A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.

By Jorge Luis Borges

If I had my life to live over, I'd try to make more mistakes next time. I would relax, I would limber up, I would be crazier than I've been on this trip. I know very few things I'd take seriously any more. I'd certainly be less hygenic... I would take more chances, I would take more trips, I would scale more mountains, I would swim more rivers, and I would watch more sunsets. I would eat more icecream and fewer beans. I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones. oh, I've had my moments, and if I had to do it all over again, I'd have many more of them, in fact I'd try not to have anything else, just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of my day. if I had it to do all over again, Id traveL lighter, much lighter than I have. I would start barefoot earlier in the spring, and I'd stay that way later in the fall. and I would ride more merry-go-rounds, and catch more gold rings, and greet more people and pick more flowers and dance more often. if I had it to do all over again - but you see, I don't.

By Oscar Wilde:

Life is too important to be taken seriously.

By Mark Twain
Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thought that is forever flowing through one's head.

By Ludwig van Beethoven

Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours.

By Abraham Lincoln It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

By Whitney Houston

I decided long ago Never to walk in anyone's shadow If I fail, If I succeed At least I did as I believe

By F. W. Bourdillon:

The mind has a thousand eyes and the heart but one; Yet the light of a whole life dies when love is done.

By Song of Solomon VIII,7

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.

By Unknown:

If tears could build a stairway, and memories were a lane, I would walk right up to heaven to bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken no time to say goodbye you were gone before I knew it, and only God knows why. My heart still aches in sadness and secret tears still flow, what it meant to lose you, no one will ever know.

By Erma Bombeck:

Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.

By Unknown There are those who pass like ships in the night Who meet for a moment, then sail out of sight With never a backwards glance of regret Folks we know briefly then quickly forget .... Then there are those friends who sail together through quiet waters and stormy weather Helping each other through joy and through strife And they are the kind that give meaning to life.
By Unknown Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring wedding ring and suffer-ring

By Paul Tillich:

The first duty of love - is to listen.