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  The Parable of Wo and the New Age

Wo was on the ocean liner of humanity.  He/she enjoyed
life with the others on the liner, respected humanity and all that ever was.
Wo loved it!  He/she   didn't have to think about it as long as he acted a
certain way, the energy   of humanity was like a life boat for every man, woman and

  Everything was fine until the millenium energy shift when
the iron ship began to corode, started to leak and sink.  It became obvious
that the ship would not survive, that the ship was made of old energy and was
about to sink.
  Every human was assigned a life boat.  Wo waited until the
last moment and couldn't believe what he/she was seeing.  He/she saw
anger, and saw other  humans who refused to use their lifeboat, go down with the

  Wo was adrift in his/her lifeboat.  Each life boat was
equipped with oars and food for one day.  Wo and the other humans in their
lifeboats watched as the ship of humanity sank.  Wo's lifeboat was different than
what he had thought it would be like.  It was suseptible to weather, and only
included provisions for one day, the day that he was in.  This lifeboat
carried Wo from one day to the next and Wo celebrated the moment, "Thank you Spirit".  This went on for days, each morning there was enouph food for that day, and fuel to power the lifeboat - one day's supplies only.  Wo was able to
follow his/her intuition, and as Wo looked around, he saw that the other
human's were also able to follow their intuition.

  Wo began to notice, that as he began to follow his
intuition and celebrated his/her experience, his lifeboat responded by building a
cover.  Wo began to realize that his lifeboat was an extension of
him/herself.  Pretty soon Wo came apon an island surrounded in fog.  Some boats would not go into the island harbor, for they could not see where they were
going, and they were afraid to go forward into the unknown.  Some boats went
forward anyway, trusting their intuition, and Wo watched as they
disappeared into the fog.

  Finally, Wo could sit idle no longer as he/she trusted
his/her intuition and began to row into the harbor.  Wo continued to row even
though he/she could not see where he/she was going.  Wo's faith kept Wo moving
forward into the thick mist, and as he rowed, Wo rowed through an
interdimensional shift.  As he/she came out the other side, Wo noticed that there were many humans who also had followed their intuition and were now living contently on the island.

author unknown