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Pictures in Bacolod
Pictures in Bacolod

I guess we just like taking pictures...
and having our pictures taken. Hmm.. i can't identify all the people in this pic... I think that's Louie (far left), then Vida, Lui and PJ. Behind Lui is Joseph, and between Joseph and PJ is Elvin. The one in yellow is Gabriel and the guy beside him is Earvin. The others...I have no idea... :(

Rina and Vida. Vida also came from my school, Zobel and Rina used to be from there, too. She transferred to Bacolod when we were in Grade 2.

Another picture...The one in red is Sir Sandy...
Middle row, left to right : Angelica, Ana, Lulu, Maybel(not sure), Rina and Elvin.
Back row, L-R: BG, Lysyl, PJ and J-Mee (i think)

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