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*No title*

I saw him there
Standing by the pool
Not alone but with HER
‘Ha! She is a fool!’

She does not deserve him
But she has gotten him blind
Now they are taking a swim
And I have something to find.

I went to the kitchen
And grabbed a sharp thing
I went out again
And found them talking.

Then they climbed up the pool
And sat side by side
I fought to keep my cool
As he asked her to be his bride.
I quietly walked towards them
‘Good! They could not her me.’
As he pulled out a huge gem
I pulled out a knife so they can see.

Then she screamed out loud
As I stabbed him in his heart
Then, without making a sound
I killed and chopped her part by part.

I pushed their bodies in the pool
And smiled with satisfaction
After I while I lost my cool
And cried with desperation.

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