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Love Lost?!
Love Lost?!

A few years back, boy got introduced to girl by girl’s friends. Boy is happy because after all, he made a new friend. They say their “hi’s” and “hello’s” as they walk along the hall. Simple smiles were exchanged as well. A year later, they still say “hi”, their friendship is still alive. A wonderful friendship...

Then, they became really close... actually, boy became “attached” to girl. Boy always wants to see how’s girl doing. They became really good friends. They talk about almost everything. They laugh at each others jokes, gets emotional about same stuff. Every now and then, girl, all of a sudden cries. Boy wonders... Why is she crying? He comes up to her, and ask whats wrong. She says, It’s Nothing. He thinks to himself Well, it doesn’t seem like nothing to me... He looks for tissue to give to her. When he did find tissue, she said Really!!! It’s nothing! But he still gives the tissue to her. Thoughts roam around his head. He doesn’t know what to do... His friend, crying...just can’t sit by while a friend’s crying...can’t do that...too painful... it hurts me twice as much... So, he writes her a letter...

I know I can’t be too helpful at times... but i feel USELESS if i see a friend crying... it hurts even more knowing you can’t do anything to help that friend... I’m sorry if I push you so much just to tell what the problem is... it’s just that...i just can’t sit around while a friend is in so much hurt or pain or whatever... it hurts so much... just please tell me... i want to know ... i want to be needed ... so please... i hope you’ll get through with whatever’s wrong ... just know that i’ll always...ALWAYS... be here for you

After he finished writing the letter, he slipped it into her bag without her knowing... Later that day, he told her, because maybe she won’t find it, that he slipped a letter in her bag. I wish she reads it... The next day, he asks if she did read the letter, she said Yep...and...Thanks.... She smiled a sweet smile... Deep inside him, he’s happy... at least he was able to comfort her... Knowing that... He smiled...

Days pass... then days turn into weeks... and into months ... gee, how time flies... boy feels a little more than friendship... when girl approached her one time, he turned red... blushed?! Hmmm.... He just dropped the subject and walked away... little did he know something has already happened... Yet he smiled...

He’s feeling something quite... different. Whenever he sees her, all he could do is smile. But just drops it again because they are friends and he wants nothing to stand in its way. One time, they had a little quarrel. He got mad. She just pushed it aside. Days pass, not even a look at each other. Then, he just talked to her. She said, You’re not mad anymore? He answered, What’s to be mad about? It’s finished. Can’t do anything about it... She smiled... He smiled...

She cries again... He just...looks at her. Not knowing what to do, because he knows he’ll just be pushed aside. They talked.He wanted to clear some things. He wanted to know what’s wrong. She refused to answer the question and only answered It’s Nothing. She continued, The thought that you cared for me, it’s ok with me... at least i know you were there... He was happy... He smiled...

He knew something was in his heart for her. Love?’s more of a deep feeling of friendship... It’s like saying I’ll Always Care instead of I Love You. Now he knew... that there’s something... there is DEFINITELY something... he could do, all he can do... He smiled...

He could shout out into the world I LOVE YOU... but cannot... He doesn’t want to risk one of the loveliest friendships he came to know. He also doesn’t want to lose her friendship like what happened before. After saying the 3 powerful words, he lost her. I don’t want to lose her... I can’t! It will hurt even more... Now, he can’t smile...confused on what to do...

One summer’s day, he had to get it over with. He finally had the guts to tell her... but can’t think of how to do it... but he did it...

I have something to tell you... remember when you said i keep making you feel “guilty” because you left me for someone else?(it was intended to be a joke) I just want to get this out of my heart. It’s kinda hard for me to tell you this because you’ve become one of my closest friends. I know you don’t feel the same, that’s why i hope that we’ll still be friends. I don’t want to lose a friend. I wasn’t able to keep a friend before... i hope i could still keep you... can i keep you?

His heart soared... She said...

Aww... don’t worry... you can still keep me as one of your closest and bestest least you had the guts to tell me..right? Don’t worry, i’d still keep you as my friend...

All he could do is cry... the feeling of happiness...oveflowing... He continued...

Thank you so much... You don’t know how much that makes me feel...I’m happy because we’re friends... I’m not going to court you...I’ll just be a friend... waiting to be needed by you...

She again answered...

Everyone needs a friend... so, just be on standby... i know i can count on you...


All he could do is smile…

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