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A Friend Forgotten
A Friend Forgotten
By: InSaN/Anonymous/A friend

You hung around me
And treated me as a friend,
In return, I treated you the same
You make me feel wanted,
and I thought we were friends
You were there for me
And I was there for you
But then summer came,
We would practically never see each other
You forgot all about me
You never did call
Not even just to say “Hi!”
Or to see how I am
Whenever I call to see how you are
Always out, always busy
I feel lonely,
No one ever calls,
Even on my party,
Not a call came to tell me to say “I am not attending”
I called, not an apology
I had to demand an explanation before you gave one
Not even a decent greeting
Is it I who always had to make the first move?
Is it I who always had to call?
Is it I who always had to remember
Remember that I have a friend out there
Who might want to hear from me
Or wonder how I am?
What kind of friend would forget a friend
A friend who became close, through all the times together
But nevertheless, I will still be here
Ready to comfort, ready to be there
Ready to forgive and forget.

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